My job is sending me to Germany next month. Which should be very exciting. But I'm going to be there a week or so short of Oktoberfest, and I'll be spending my time in the city of
Dortmund, which I have had described to me as the "Newark of Germany." I may also be going to
Cologne, which apparently is at least kinda interesting (like maybe it's the German Tampa Bay or something).
First thing I promised my parents and Hungarian Mom-Mom I'd do when I touchdown in Deutcheland? Hock a big ol' loogey. That's right, I'm gonna expectorate all over the jolly land of chocolate and beer. And I will take pictures of it to share with EVERYONE! Germany's gonna be allllll covered in jew spit. Whatcha think of that Führer?!?
In other Evan news, I went home this weekend to Philly (or suburban Philly, rather). My brother and I were giving a tour of our little town to his new girlfriend and we came upon the
Merion Friends Meeting House. Which sounds like it might be a place for retarded people. But it's not! It's an historic Quaker landmark. It's about 300 years old and may have something to do with oatmeal. Anyways, it's a 10 minute drive from where I grew up, and I never really went to go check it out. But as it turns out, there's this old
revolutionary war-era graveyard, which I never new about. There's a bunch of grave markers from the 1700s which is just kinda interesting. I don't know. I like old shit.