It's been my first week at cinnamon.
Okay, technically it's been less than that, since I only moved in on Wednesday. Still, I had my first USP class on Monday, so it really depends on how you count it.
It's been pretty unnerving for a socially awkward person like me, but thank god the people are nice here. Almost too nice, actually. Everyone's been so forthcoming and understanding to the point where I stopped and went, "No, you're nice and everything, but really... who paid you? Was it my mom? Can you get her to stop?"1
It doesn't help that I'm heavily, heavily introverted and all the talking to people was really killing me on the inside. The thing about being introverted is that while you don't hate people on a personal level, you just can't interact with them for too long or you begin to fall apart. Sadly, when you live in a residential college, you don't really get the luxury of choosing who to meet and when to meet them. I was pretty frazzled for the first few days, resulting in some desperate maneuvers to get away from people for a bit. (I climbed the stairs - me, doing physical exercise. What a joke.)
Still, I'm ridiculously thankful (and bewildered?) that I made it into the program, especially at this juncture - the chances were slim but I magically made it. All I have to do now is press on, which, considering the workload I have this semester, will be a bit of an uphill task.
Still, happy problems. I'm really glad that I have them.
1I did not literally ask this, of course. I was too busily internally freaking out to make such a remark.