
May 12, 2011 19:30


Name: Raserei Hojo
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: raserei_hojo
Email: lucaviitzaru [at] gmail [dot] com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM: WintryHorse
Characters already in the game: blameshimself
How did you find us?: Already in the game! Before that, Dear Mun.


Character name: Larsa Ferrinas Solidor
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Timeline: After the war ends, prior to the epilogue section of the game
Age: 12

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Infinite supply of any kind of Potion! Larsa has limited magic: Cure and Cura (to heal health/physical damage), Poisona (to cure poison), Vox (to cure silence), Blindna (to cure blindness), Aqua (a water-based spell), Bubble (doubles health) and Balance (deals damage equal to max health minus current health). Poison, silence and blindness are, in Final Fantasy XII, temporary magical status ailments, so they cannot be used to cure conditions that have been physically inflicted.

In addition, he is decently trained as a swordsman, enough to be useful during battle. He is capable of dual-wielding a Joyeuse and Sword Breaker. That said, because he is so young, he could easily be overpowered by a skilled opponent, especially if the attack is physical instead of magical.

How would they use their abilities?: For good, most definitely. After all, he, like the other men in his family, has been taught to put the needs of others before his own needs.

Appearance: Visual Aid

Larsa sports long, dark hair with his bangs side-swept to his left; his eyes are light by contrast. He wears a long, white poofy-armed blouse with a gold and red detailing underneath a blue-green tunic. To match this, he wears navy shorts and knee-high leather boots which are green in the back. Around his neck, he wears a blue medallion, symbolizing House Solidor to which he belongs.

Background/Personality: Larsa, a Hume born in 694 Old Valendia, is ten-years-old at the prologue of the game. He is the fourth and youngest son of Gramis, the ruling Emperor of Archadia and brother to Vayne. Unlike his older brothers and his father, Larsa maintains a desire for peaceful negotiations and a stop to the bloodshed between the warring nations of Rozzaria, Archadia, Nabradia and Dalmasca. Despite his wish for peace, he can do nothing to stop Archadia from completely wiping out Nabudis, the capital of Nabradia during this time.

Two years later, Larsa is twelve and has made himself quite informed with the workings of the world. By this time, Dalmasca and what's left of Nabradia are under Archadian occupation. This leaves the only major competition left between the nations of Archadia and Rozzaria. Around this time, his brother Vayne is made Consul of Dalmasca, leaving Larsa wondering what his father has planned. Unbeknownst to Larsa, the Senate--a political body which has essentially made Emperor Gramis its puppet--attempts to force Emperor Gramis to choose between his two sons for his successor. The choice boils down to Vayne, who will control the army with an iron fist and Larsa, who will pursue peaceful methods to end the war. The Senate wants the war to continue so it can conquer Rozzaria and become the supreme reigning kingdom.

Suspicious of his kingdom's plans, Larsa travels to the floating city of Bhujerba, "neutral" in the war, to explore the Lhusu Mines. It is these mines which Larsa thinks house some kind of power that Archadia is taking for itself. He has a bit of a dilemma, though, as he isn't strong enough to take on the mines by himself, yet he can't take an escort lest his plans be ruined. Luckily, the main party of the game comes along and invites Larsa to join them.

The party consists of:

Vaan, a seventeen-year-old boy and a citizen of Rabanastre in Dalmasca. He lost his parents to the Plague shortly before the war and his brother Reks was killed by the Judge Magister Gabranth. He is in in Bhujerba because his friend Penelo was kidnapped and he intends to save her.

Ashe, nineteen and the Princess of Dalmasca. Two years prior, her uncle Marquis Ondore declared that she had taken her own life. Since that time, she has remained mostly hidden and has worked with the Resistance in order to reclaim her throne. She often goes under the codename of Amalia, but she is not present at the mines.

Penelo, Vaan's friend. She, like Vaan, is a citizen of Rabanastre. She was kidnapped and held in Lhusu Mines as ransom in order to lure Balthier out of hiding.

Fran, a Viera Sky Pirate and partner to Balthier. Where he goes, she goes. She, along with Balthier, are able to fly Balthier's airship, the Strahl, with great ease. She, unlike the other Viera, is an active participant in the world of Ivalice. While the Humes are busy warring amongst themselves, Fran is one of the few Viera who cares or even notices.

Balthier, a savy Sky Pirate who proclaims quite frankly that he is the leading man of the story. At the beginning of the game, he broke into the palace of Dalmasca's treasury and attempted to steal the Goddess' Magicite, which turned out in fact to be nethicite. When he meets Vaan trying to do the same thing, the guards attack and they flee. Soon after, Balthier, his partner Fran, Vaan and the Princess Ashe are caught escaping the palace. Before Balthier is whisked away to Nalbina Dungeons, Balthier gives his handkerchief to a distraught Penelo. This gives the wrong impression to Ba'gamnon, a headhunter who's after the price on Balthier's head. To lure Balthier out of hiding, Ba'gamnon kidnaps Penelo and takes her to the Lhusu Mines. Balthier is urged to go after him by Vaan and Basch.

Basch, an honorable man who fought two years ago to defend Nalbina Fortress in Nabradia from Archadia. At the time, he was trying to protect the king of Dalmasca. He left a soldier, Reks, to deal with a few enemies while he and the others went ahead to save the king. However, it was a setup and his twin brother Gabranth overwhelmed the soldiers and took custody of Basch. When Reks arrives, Gabranth, disguised as his brother Bash, kills the king stabs Reks, then uses him as a witness to the crime. Reks, who dies later from injuries, returned to Rabanastre to proclaim that Basch killed the king. For the two years after the takeover of Nalbina in Nabradia, Bash had been imprisoned in Nalbina Dungeons by his brother. He is later accidentally freed by the party and swears fealty to Princess Ashe.

Amusingly, Larsa recognizes a few of them and they recognize him. Balthier, a former Judge, Ashe, Princess of Dalmasca and Bash, twin brother to Judge Magister Gabranth and (falsely) accused of slaying the king of Dalmasca two years ago. Larsa decides to use the alias of "Lamont," however, since some of the party have no idea who he is, despite the symbol of House Solidor around his neck.

Within the Lhusu Mines, Larsa and the party uncover the source of much of Archadia's power: pure magicite mined from Bhujerba, which is then transformed into manufacted nethicite. Manufacted nethicite absorbs any and all magic in the vicinity and is capable of unleashing a great deal of energy. It is also what helps keep Bhujerba floating in the sky. Now that Larsa knows the situation, he is ready to leave the mines. However, Balthier has other plans and drills Larsa on who he is and why he knows so much about the Archadian army and manufacted nethicite. They're interrupted by the headhunter Ba'gamnon, though, and Larsa performs his first at of "aggression" by throwing his piece of nethicite at Ba'gamnon to distract him. He picks up his nethicite while Ba'gamnon is distracted and makes a break for the exit to safety with the party trailing behind him.

Judge Magister Ghis is there to greet Larsa outside of the mines and he is none too pleased. Penelo, whom the main party was looking for, was found in the mines after she ran away from Ba'gamnon. Ghis warns Larsa that he shouldn't roam around on his own. To remedy this, Larsa asks Ondore, the Marquis of Bhujerba, to give a spare room to Penelo and leads her off to the Marquis' estate. It is there he explains to Penelo that he is Larsa of House Solidor and brother to the Consul Vayne Solidor. Penelo, a citizen of Dalmasca and victim of Archadia's wrath, says she finds it difficult to trust him. Larsa gives her his word that he will keep her safe.

Ghis, in the meantime, takes the party (minus Penelo who is still with Larsa) aboard the Dreadnaught Leviathan. Larsa, of course, secretly boards as well with Penelo in tow. Ghis intends to steal the nethicite called the Dawn Shard from the party and then execute them all, with the Princess to be quartered separately. The party rescues Princess Ashe and Larsa meets up with them upon their escape. He's glad to have Penelo join the group again and gives her his own sample of manufacted nethicite he'd been carrying around to compare to the nethicite in Lhusu Mines in order to keep her safe. The party fights Ghis and escapes the Leviathan with Larsa. Soon after, the Leviathan explodes due to the nethicite Ghis had stolen from the party. When the party returns to Bhujerba, Larsa says his goodbyes to the party and is escorted back to the city of Archades in Archadia.

A while later, Larsa tracks the party down and meets up with them in Jahara. He explains to the group that he has contacted the aid of someone who might be able to help put an end to the war. Ashe doesn't trust Larsa because he is of Archadian blood. As a compromise, Larsa pleas that Ashe take him as a hostage as proof he has no ill intentions. Ashe agrees and they head to Mount Bur-Omisace to meet up with this the person Larsa describes as "an ally and an enemy." On the way to the mountain, the group recounts the reason the Leviathan exploded. Larsa, realizing that the manufacted nethicite he gave Penelo in hopes of protecting her, was dangerous. He takes it back, apologizing for putting her in harms way.

At Bur-Omisace, the group meets up with Al-Cid Margrace, a man from Rozzaria and a member of the ruling family. Now with at least one member of royal blood from each of the three remaining feuding kingdoms, Larsa knows the war has a real chance of coming to an end. However, all of Larsa's careful planning turns out to be for naught. Al-Cid informs Larsa that his father, Emperor Gramis, is dead. This places Larsa's brother Vayne as the Emperor of Archadia. While the late Emperor Gramis may have potentially been open to a peaceful negotiation, Larsa knows his brother will not be.

The party departs from Bur-Omisace to find a different way to end the war and Larsa stays behind. Judge Magister Gabranth and Judge Magister Bergan arrive to escort Larsa home. To avoid conflict, Larsa willingly agrees to return to Archades. Gabranth escorts him home while Bergan demolishes Bur-Omisace of his own volition.

Unbeknownst to Larsa, there is unrest among the Senate, Vayne and the Judge Magisters. Judge Magister Drace accuses Vayne of killing his father and draws her sword against him. Judge Magister Zargabaath tries to talk her out of it, while Judge Magister Bergan proclaims that by drawing her sword on Vayne, she draws her sword on the Empire. Just then, Gabranth enters. Vayne gives him a test of character and orders Gabranth to execute Judge Drace for treason. Gabranth is reluctant to do so. Before he executes her, Judge Drace tells Gabranth that she doesn't care what happens to her and that Gabranth needs to make sure Larsa is well-protected. Vayne also implores Gabranth to protect Larsa and to act as his shield both literally and metaphorically--to make sure Larsa does not become corrupt by the government. As his first act as Emperor, Vayne dissolves the Senate, giving himself full power and ensuring the rule of House Solidor.

Larsa grows increasingly frustrated that he can't do anything to end the war without spilling blood. He spends his time trying to talk Vayne out of provoking the war. It doesn't work. Up until this point, Larsa has gladly defended his brother and informed others that Vayne is capable of restoring peace, that his brother is a remarkable man. Vayne begins to explain that once those who oppose the Empire see that there is no way to surrender, they will attack Archadia with all they have. Archadia, in turn, will easily cut them down. Larsa tells Vayne that the people will hate him even more for that. Vayne points out that if he pardons them, they will simply rise up again. It is then that Larsa sees that his brother cannot be reasoned with. He tells his brother that the only way to settle things is through peace and cooperation and that Vayne is wrong.

Despite this, Vayne marches forward, thrusting himself deeper into war. While on the Sky Fortress Bahamut, the weapon that will be used to demolish Rabanastre, Dalmasca's capital, Vayne gives the order to begin the attack. Vayne has made sure to bring Larsa onboard so that he can witness what happens when people with no power resist the Empire of Archadia. Even so, Larsa persists in trying to talk his brother out of war.

When the party arrives to take Vayne on themselves to end the war, Vayne tells Larsa to stay out of the way; he can easily take on the party alone. Larsa has none of that; shakily, he draws his sword against his brother and assists the party in defeating him. When Vayne falls, it's obvious that Larsa's love for his brother has not faltered. He runs to aid his brother, but ends up passing right through a field of magical energy that renders him unconscious.

Vayne gets up again and takes on the party once more, more powerful with his Occuria guardian, Venat at his side and from the boost of energy the nethicite Larsa's been carrying provides. Venat, a godlike being who had broken away from the other Occuria, wants the people of Ivalice to shape their own future instead of having it controlled by the Occuria. While its goal may be an admirable one, the violent way it and Vayne go about achieving it means they must both be defeated. During this time, Gabranth, whom the party had defeated in order to make their way to Larsa and Vayne, slowly makes his way to the battle area. Vayne orders Gabranth to protect Larsa. Gabranth declares he will defend Larsa and draws his sword against Vayne. He then impales Vayne with his sword.

In retaliation, Vayne moves to perform a final, devastating attack on Gabranth, who is tossed aside like a rag doll. Vayne charges up another, much more powerful magic attack to finish him off. Larsa is finally able to rise and uses his nethicite to absorb the attack. Gabranth, grievously injured, asks his brother if Larsa is a good master and Basch agrees. Vayne limps off in the meantime and the party follows him while Larsa stays behind with Gabranth.

The party finally finishes off Vayne for good. While they are now looking toward a bright future, Larsa has lost his father, all three of his brothers, many of his guardians, and one of his final guardians is at death's door..

With Vayne dead, the Bahamut loses power. It's so large that if it falls on top of the city of Rabanastre, it will literally crush the entire city. Larsa, Gabranth and the party escape onto Balthier's airship, the Strahl, and send word to Bhujerba that the war is over. Larsa proclaims that his brother died honorably in battle and that as the new emperor, he is calling a ceasefire and ending the war. Ashe confirms this, as does Basch who pretends to be his brother Gabranth.

Judge Zargabaath, captain of the airship Alexander of Archadia, bravely offers to ram the Bahamut to move it away from Rabanastre. Balthier and his partner Fran leave the Strahl in the hands of Vaan and Penelo and go back onto the Bahamut to try and manually repair it. They do so and drive the Bahamut away from Rabanastre, allowing it to have a crash landing into a lake.

The war finally ends. With Larsa leading Archadia, he can now work together with Dalmasca and Rozzaria to end the war peacefully.

Throughout the entire game, Larsa continuously houses the attitude of a technical pacifist. It is only when the lives of thousands of people are at stake that he draws his sword against the brother he loves, and even then he's uneasy and reluctant about it.

Despite his young age, he really does make a good candidate for Emperor if one has the desire to avoid war. He has learned much, not only about his own culture but of the cultures of others--such as knowing Viera age much more slowly than Humes (unlike Vaan). While Vayne is a military genius, Larsa is a masterful tactician and diplomat. The problem with Larsa, however, is that he is naive and is apt to see good qualities in people that may not really be there. Because of his naivety, the Senate thought Larsa would make a good puppet, a puppet who could easily be manipulated from the shadows. How wrong they were.

He does, however, have his limits as shown above, although he is always reluctant to take aggressive physical action. Even against someone he has great distaste for, Larsa would have concern for them and their well-being. However, he is quite willing to participate in an aggressive argument in an effort to sue for peace.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes! The Guide plug-in that allows characters to communicate with each other is called the FlamingFerret. Three ways you can make money on the ship are: Through missions, stealing it (naaaughty) or by starting a business.

1st person sample:


[ See Larsa. See Larsa in a white shirt and huge black apron. And a little white hat. Now say hello to your new ice cream salesman for the month. He looks so unsure. ]

The, ah... "Awesome Ice Cream Shoppe of Every Flavor" is having specials all this week. We truly do have every flavor available and they are not strictly limited to typical ice cream flavors. For example, if you had a craving for lettuce-flavored ice cream, this would be your shop to visit.

However, keep in mind that you ought to finish eating it ere you leave the store. If you do not, it is belike to melt immediately and unfortunately, it is against the store's policy to issue refunds due to the ice cream melting.

So please be careful.

3rd person sample:

It was difficult to look upon the destruction his homeland had caused. The people who needlessly died and the families torn apart by the war; the homes destroyed and an entire kingdom forever lost. Yet the aftermath made itself known, laid bare to Larsa and to all of Ivalice.

What's done is done, he decided. Sitting in Archades and mourning the loss of all he held dear to him wasn't going to fix anything. There were things to look forward to, like Lady Ashe's coronation and how she would rebuild Dalmasca and things to do, like forging friendships with the nations his country had wronged. At the moment, things may have looked bleak, but after enough hard work, Larsa was sure everyone could rebuild their homes. Things would never be the same, that he knew, but they would be better than they were now.

Old Archades was a place Larsa could start. The place where the poor and those who had fallen dwelled. He would go to them and welcome them with open arms, inviting them into the city proper. After all, if an Emperor could not take care of his own people, how could he extend a hand of aid to others?

The fall of the Kingdom of Nabraia. The two-year-long occupation of the Kingdom of Dalmasca. The war against the Rozarrian Empire. He would bear the weight of these things on his shoulders and he would make things right again.

Questions?: What is the meaning of life?!
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes!

application, ooc

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