Oct 27, 2005 19:32
wow.... i definitely feel like i'm just finding more and more to do. Every now and then i think that i'm overloading myself, but then, i just find something else to do and push that little voice outside of my head. I'm crazy overloaded with schoolwork... i was told this major was hard, but i didn't realize how much work was going to be put into it. Then I decided to join NSSLHA (national speech language and hearing association) so that i could get more involved in my major. Now they had some openings for offices in there, so of course.... i ran! We had elections today in class, and i was really worried. Its something that i know will really help me stay involved and keep going to the meetings, so, i was thrilled when i was elected Secretary!!!! I felt like i was back in middle school running for class office, except i never won those things. But while i'm happy, it does add one more thing to do. Then of course i have AGD... this sorority is taking over my life! I definitely always have something to do here, which is really good, and helps me balance my life, cuz otherwise i really would be only working on school stuff. And I want another office next year, hopefully EC (not campaining though ;), but that will obviously take more time. And now i'm planning on writing a senior honors thesis for my major. So i've contacted some professors about doing some volunteer work with their research so that i can start finding professors to help me with my thesis. Again... more work!!! Oh well, i guess i just need to fit as much stuff as possible into these next years. Well... i've gotta go get ready for the pledging ceremony tonight!