Oct 02, 2006 00:28
i don't like it either
i havent felt empty inside like this since i had my broken over 2 years ago..
at some points ive been ok with it, and others ive wanted to pick up the phone and end it all
i know it hurts and i know it sucks
but i really need to know that i can be ok on my own here without someone always to rely on
i just need to do this on my own so i don't regret anything in the next four years
the most important thing about this is that i love him
i love him so much
i love sharing my life with him and knowing that he is always there for me
life is easier when he is around
i need to know that i can make my life easy and great when he isn't around [emotionally and physically]
its hard, i know
all i know is that i think about him every 5 minutes and i know that feeling won't change
im not going to give up how i feel when i am in his arms
and what its like to feel his hand on my back
its not worth it to give up our history, every obstacle we've ever been through and all of the amazing backrubs he has given me
i want you to know that i love you with every part of my being and will continue to love you until forever
i need this time for myself, and hopefully you can use it to help you too
i am so proud of you, and excited for you in film school
i know you are the love of my life; my true soulmate.
please remember that and know that i love you from missouri to cali and back 4934893579384758934 times.