Bucolic break

Mar 24, 2013 18:39

If my internet connection could speak, I'm sure it would say it hates me.
Since it can't, it has decided to prove it by downloading last week's Jr. Land at a veeeeeery slow speed so still don't have it T___T

I'm starting to feel Jr. Land deprived so even if I haven't seen the episode #75 yet, I went to check the show's twitter to read what happened in this week's episode #76...

#76☆Jr. Jack in the box: This time, Abe Aran, Kajiyama Asahi, Nakamura Kaito, Mizukoshi Daisuke, Muraki Ryôta and Motodaka Katsuki went to a ranch to have a picnic! Under the summer sky, they had the opportunity to touch many animals ♪ They held a goat walking competition and a cow milking competition! Keep an eye on Nakamura Kaito who will make his first appearance in the show ♪
After all these months, Kaito finally gets exposure! If I'm not mistaken, apart from some videos on Johnny's net, Playzone's making DVD and maybe the latest Takichan (which is awesomely hilarious by the way), we have never heard his voice! I've always been wondering why he was the only Travis 5 member left behind so I'm looking forward to seeing him in the show!

Screencap taken from here
Here's another tweet I liked:

#76☆Behind the scenes story that happened inside the bus: Mizukoshi-kun asked the members "Hey, what do you think about my hair? Was it better before when it was black and long or is it better now?" and when the others answered "It was better before", he stared at his reflection in a mirror looking depressed and said "I knew I should have left it as it was..." Adolescent behavior, isn't it? (´▽`)
What a sweetheart ♥

Last tweet that caught my attention:

How was tonight's Jr. Land?! [...] There will be no Jr. Land next week, next airing will be on April 7th! Look forward to the second part of the picnic ♪
You hear that, internet connection? Your life will slow down a bit soon so please be nice for a couple more days~

nakamura kaito, tv show: johnny's jr. land

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