Musing about A&S projects

Nov 17, 2010 19:40

As I gear up for Northern Lights, I'm thinking about A&S projects. More specifically, I'm thinking about what's been done, what hasn't been done, and what's made people ooh and aah. I'm thinking about projects like the iron smelting furnace(s) made at Pennsic, the big bread ovens, the full-scale stained glass windows, the hand-stitched tapestries that would actually cover an entire wall... Stuff that really shows our stuff as a Society.

This comes out of a conversation Ekk & I were having this morning about trailblazers in the SCA. He was one of the first people, if not the first, to start making fully authentic archaeological replica saddles from scratch about 20 years ago. I'm the first person as far as I know to actually do research into and replication of period drinking chocolate. I am wondering what other "firsts" are out there.

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