I volunteer to do work for her (for 10/hr), and she gives me any sort of experience I could ever use. Host/server, yardwork ("gardening" incl...), techie, data entry, "move my heavy objects" guy
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$25/hr, work from home? Flag. Interview through Yahoo Messenger? Flag. "Fry's Electronics" hiring manager? LOL Fag. And flag. Ripoff report results? Flag, obviously. Same Q&A in IM as on report? Closed window.
And, maybe once I have some, I'll get some. Which will be worth posting about. Maybe. Until I get it, I don't have anything worth posting about. BUT HAY IM DOING GOODS IN SCHOOLS.
Comments 4
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$25/hr, work from home? Flag.
Interview through Yahoo Messenger? Flag.
"Fry's Electronics" hiring manager? LOL Fag. And flag.
Ripoff report results? Flag, obviously.
Same Q&A in IM as on report? Closed window.
Oh well, worth a shot anyway, almost.
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