Oct 05, 2005 11:01
So, I am half way through the second week of my professional ed core. It seems that I am never in the same classroom twice (even for the same class),and there is a lot of random running around in general. I have yet to have my finger prints taken, and technically they were due on Monday. I am hoping to get placed in Mollalla for student teaching. It is a lot closer to home.
Other news. My running has really taken a hit since going back to school. I have only run once in the last two weeks or so, and really miss it. I think that I am going to have to run at night after my homework, even if it means that I will get 45 minutes less sleep then my regular 6 hours or so. Oh well, the sleep will probably be better that way. At the moment, my empty belly is telling me that it is lunch time.