Jan 17, 2003 10:26
I went to college today. It was an interesting experience. I went to Ben's psychology class with him, since I was at BSU anyway to turn in my GED scores to the Admissions office. I had to turn in my GED scores so that I can take the ACT at BSU tomorrow.
Ben takes two classes on Mon-Wed-Fri, which are english and psychology. His english class is from 7:40-8:30, then psychology is from 8:40 to 9:30. What I needed to do was just hang out for a bit while Ben was in his classes, go to the Applied Technology building, get my GED scores, then take it over the Admissions building. Before Ben went to school I joked about going to his english class with him. This wouldn't work out since his english class has only about 25 students in it and the teacher takes roll. Then Ben said I should go to his psychology class with him, since that class has a couple hundred students and the teacher does not take roll. I was reluctant to at first, but then I decided I would.
Oddly enough, and fortunately, I might add, today there was a substitute in his psychology class. This was a bit of a surprise on the third day of school. So I was glad I agreed to go with him. The teacher guy was really dorky. He kept trying to make jokes, but he was painfully unfunny. He also tried to convince us he had ESP. Ha...ha...ha...I felt sorry for the guy. Ben said his real teacher is much cooler than this schmuck was. Going to college was cool. I felt like a rebel. Free education...what a concept! I imagine once I am an actual college student it won't be quite as exciting.
After school, Ben and I went to Burger King to get some cheap $1 whoppers and some chicken tenders. Lucky for us Burger King serves lunch/dinner food 24 hours. It made us oh, so very happy. :) It doesn't feel so weird eating whoppers at 10:00 in the morning when you were up at 6:30. McDonald's needs to get with the program. Not that I care much for McDonald's anyway, but they don't serve lunch food until 11:00 am! Usually this isn't a problem, but for early risers sometimes a greasy, fatty burger is just what you need after a couple of hours of studying.
Oh yeah, I donated blood on Monday. It was great! I'm so glad I did it. I chose to get a purple wrap on my arm and everyone was super nice to me. I got a total of four stickers: they said, "Handle with care, first time donor", "Be nice to me, I gave blood today", and then two bumper stickers, which I can't remember as well and have been too lazy to put on my car as of yet. One of them was a skinny one that had just a phone number and said "Give life" and probably a bit more, then one that said something about how I am a blood donor and you should be one too or something.
Anyway, it was cool. The lady there said I was a really good bleeder. And I got kettle corn and cranberry juice! Yay! Oh, and the only time I felt a bit nauseous was about two or three hours after I donated. I got hyper and I think I was exerting a bit too much energy. But I drank lots of fluid like a good girl. So, anyway, I'm glad I donated and I plan to do it again in about two months since you can donate every 56 days. If you've never donated blood, you should! It made me feel really good about myself and put me in a great mood! Ben said he was glad I donated blood since it made me so happy. :)
I have even more news to tell you about my ever-eventful life, but I will have to let you all know in another post. I'm so lazy.