Jun 02, 2006 08:31
we finally got the internet... it's dial up b/c we live about 15 miles from civilization... but i do not care. the little dial up sounds are funny... doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.. beeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. keeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh.... etc.
the house is finally all coming together. we have made 3 wal-mart trips... one a day for 3 days... spending 300 then 400 then 200 dollars. when we spent 400 at conyers, the door nazi accused us of stealing a poster frame... why would i spend $400 to steal a $15 frame? so she stood there with our long-ass receipt with nick blocking the doorway with the two carts full of all we had bought and me tapping my foot then finally pointing at it saying "there, ma'am... it says 'poster frame.'" THINK, WOMAN! THINK!!!
anyway... i am going to learn how to make curtains today so we're going to snellville... where i can go to garden ridge and spend an ungodly amount of time wandering up and down the isles b/c of overstimulation.
sophie keeps following me around the house.
i can't call her sophia anymore b/c that's our real estate agent's name.
so nick and i picture HER with a q-tip in her mouth, looking at us in a panic, and dashing away.
hahahaha. gets me every time.
oh and has anyone ever thought about how crazy shopping is? you toss the items in your cart only to take them out at the register only to bag them right up and put then right back in your cart only to walk a few yards to the car where you unload them again to load them into the trunk... only to go home and unload them all to the floor/counter... only to load them into their appropriate places? enough is enough.