
Jun 13, 2011 11:53

It’s not that Mr. Lee was always short of money or anything like that. It’s just that it was a trek to go to the closest toy store, and that Donghae got particularly whiny during long car drives. Garage sales were not another solution, just that they were everywhere and Donghae liked to play with old shoes anyway.

Today is his 5th birthday. Luckily, Donghae’s birthday overlaps a weekend, when their neighbors are having another garage sale. His mom had sent them to go shopping for party supplies, but his dad followed the directions of cardboard signs instead of taking the fateful turn to the grocery store. He’s shaking a box labelled “toys” while Donghae is sticking his hands in the clothes and their pockets.

“Do you want an exquisite American toy?” his dad asks, coming up to Donghae with his hands behind his back.

Donghae’s eyes sparkle, a feature he was lucky to inherit. He answers, “Yes.”

His dad takes his hands out. “It’s American and it’s only 25 cents. It’s not like you need your gift wrapped, right?”

Donghae is the tallest kid in his class, and no one messes with him. He enjoys it when his fellow classmates ask about his exquisite American toy that he brings in his backpack.

“That’s what American people look like, right? With blonde hair and blue eyes?” his best friend asks.

“Of course they do. What else would they look like?” Donghae answers.

“When was the last time you washed her?” another friend asks, wrinkling his nose. “That’s not blonde hair. It’s brown.”

“Are you colorblind!” Donghae yells, and takes his toy over to the classroom sink.

“Your friend is staring really hard at me,” Jessica tells Heechul.

“Which one? Hyukjae? Yeah, I never really liked that guy,” Heechul says.

“Yeah, if Hyukjae is the one whose mouth is slightly open while looking at me, that’s him,” Jessica says, peeking over her shoulder.

Heechul looks closely. “That’s not Hyukjae. That’s Donghae.”

“Why is he staring at me so hard?” Jessica giggles.

“I’m really sorry for staring,” Donghae apologizes later, with Heechul’s hand on his shoulder.

“It’s okay,” Jessica says.

“It’s just,” Donghae says, looking right at her. “You look exactly like this doll I had when I was a kid.”

Jessica’s eyes widen. “Oh?”

“Yeah, is your name Barbie?” Donghae asks, and Heechul pushes him out of the way. Jessica puts her hands over her mouth.

“Oh, that is just too cute,” Jessica, the girl of his dreams, laughs.

donghae, jessica

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