The blame game gets everyone nowhere fast. And, sometimes, things just happen. There is no 'reason' and there is nobody at fault. He may be allergic to milk, and if he is, there is not really any way to know how or why, and really, that's not what is important. You just adjust instead of fixating on it. As for him being early, I highly doubt it was due to your folic acid intake or the fact that you didn't start preparing a year in stinking advance. Those stupid baby magazines and such just make me sick that they make great moms feel minuscule and sloppy and disorganized and all kinds of other things just because they aren't automatons. Just... grr! I mean... ! Every time you read one of those things, go watch "Sleeping With The Enemy" and try to imagine what kind of parent that guy would be - b/c THAT'S the type of person that plans their entire life a year in advance. grumble
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You are right about the blame game. Which is why I wrote that I need to lighten up. When I look back I know everything happened just because it did. Sometimes just writing out those emotions/ thoughts helps me get rid of them so I don't fixate on them. And you are right; all those stupid people and magazines who make it look like you should always have it all together to be a great mom are really frustrating. On the days I get really stressed I get dumb and compare myself to what I read or think I see in other people and that's not right. And thanks for the underlying compliment that I took from that
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It's not annoying. I like seeing what you write. Baby magazines are (obviously) kind of a soap box for me, but... yeah. Sorry about that. :P And you are a great mom - you're putting a lot more into it than a lot of people do and you should be confident in yourself as much as possible. *hugs*
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