Unintended Consequences?

Aug 03, 2010 00:03

I easily feel guilty when I realize I didn't do something perfectly; especially when I don't do it perfectly on purpose.

After learning all of this new information about health, I feel bad for my son that he didn't get the absolute best chance through nutrition possible. Then I think; "Ah well, I did what I could". I read an article today that said taking folic acid 1 YEAR before you conceive reduces the risk of premature birth by 50%. If I hadn't had unplanned sex and gotten knocked up, and had planned him properly maybe he wouldn't have been born early. But you can't live in "could haves". I try to give him organic foods as much as possible and am working on finding meat that is more grass-raised than corn-raised. It's tough.

I want to give him the best chance; i.e. I cut foods from my diet that we think he's allergic to so I can still breastfeed. And then I find out he's still getting all the pesticides and chemicals and messed up molecules from food that I didn't know was bad. But then there are days that I really want to eat what I shouldn't and I do it anyway. Is he still going to have issues with milk later in life because I sneaked some chocolate or a cookie while breastfeeding? I spend so much time rationalizing my actions rather than just doing what I know I should. But sometimes, I get tired of living in the rules.

I want to give the next one a better chance. Already I feel like I'm failing. It's so easy to get down on myself about it all. I know I've got to lighten up. You do your best with what you know. I did my best with what I knew yesterday and I'm doing my best with what I know today. My son is still a smart and handsome little boy. I just hope that his potential wasn't hurt because of my ignorance.

One of the pieces of information I have been dwelling on is that one of the major consequences of all the chemicals, is how its affecting our reproductive organs. Frogs from contaminated waters are now in increasing numbers having both male and female sexual organs. Not to judge or put anyone down- just a scientific pondering- I wonder if thats why so many people from the last thirty years are having sexual identity issues. DDT and chemicals that are now outlawed were sprayed ALL OVER our food and that is what those men and women's mothers ate.

Unfortunately those chemicals are still being used in places that export the food we import. Grapes from Chile for instance are some of the worst. Those countries are still able to use DDT and many chemicals that have been outlawed here for over twenty years! I understand the need for profit but why are we allowing chemicals that we have outlawed from our food system to be a part of it, just because it wasn't grown here? We contradict ourselves at every turn. How are our children paying the consequences?
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