New Nail Bed

Jul 21, 2005 23:15

So yeah what an adventuous week and a bit. Won risk last two mondays in a row, but that is no surprise. tuesday headed off the warped tour, watched a couple of band, but had fun just remembering my punk rock youth, which was nice. Bought some stuff, as thats was what warped tour is for of course. Saw some band i never thought i would see, and never really wanna see again. but thats ok, always good to give bands a good chance. watched big d and horror pop and no use for a name and dropkick, probally my highlights personally. well the next day was the begining of my real adventure as we were heading off to ska fest. me and the two ladies from my birthday adventure had fun bumming around town and going to shows. victor rice had an amazing "lecture" on the tranformation of music and its realshonship with electronics and where the electronics become the intruments, i cant give it credit you definally had to be there. he then went off and did live dub for 2 hours, which was really chill. the next day we got up and did the whole tourst sight seeing thing in victoria which was awesome and then we went to the show at steamers pub and watched a bunch of fun bands, i really liked the makeshift heros they really reminded me of karma, which gave me a ton of hope and just wanted to jam and write a bunch of songs, still do actully. apperenlty chelsea said somethign she shouldn't have (she says she didn't i pesonaly dont care whos telling me the truth her or april), which i didnt mind it wasnt a big deal (nor was it true), but it had some acwardness caused by it, which was too bad, i was rather enjoying everything untill that point. there was an all day show on friday followed by a killer party, one of the best i had been to in a long time, even danica and chelsea (those grumpy punk rock bastards) had a good time and danced the the rest of the ska fools. i spent the night talking to one of trevors japenese girls, she was pretty awesome, hope i do get to know her better later. saturday was just filled with shows from about 12-3am the next day. whats left of sublime, fishbon, furios, mad bombers, it was just a wild fun party, poor william thou he got really hammered had to leave the show. me and april had a plan to majorly creep out the girl who we were with, but i decied agaist it in the end, she seemed kinda creepyed out without me doing anything so i decied agaist it, april agreed. sunday night i worked, and monday night. monday i got my money from the inheratance and bought my saxophone case and my ipod (im weak). Tuesday, did the grouse grinf with kevin, what a motivation to get in shape. after that we went for a 2 hour roller blade at like 10, it was good to just be out and doing stuff. the next day me kevin and april went to kits beach, and i "enjoyed the view" and played hacky sack. we ended up playign with this guy who totally went around and played with people selling his hacky sacks to everyone (which i bought one and it was a pretty damn good one). It made me want to get better over whats left of the summer. and then today i sat around and cleaned up for the first time in like 3 weeks, the place looks so nice and i finally got all those cds i have borrowed from foo, trevor and chelsea on my computer and back to their respective owners. which was good. so other then that, ive had an amazing time off. sadly i have come to relize either im being way to selective, or the female gene pool around me has some short comings, nothign seems to be intresting me, i guess after i was with lauren for so long ive relized i never wanna be in the situtaion again, not statisfied but comforable, to afarid to go for anything more. but i learnt a good lesson with her, lol not to let myself get in that again, not that im regreting her, i had alot of fun. Its definally an exciting time to be me with everything coming togther and all these new doors and people opening up around me, definally what i needed, life had seemed a little stale before this. "if there was one sweet girl, you know id be her man", as i told trevor "a guitarist will just fall out of the sky, just relax and let it come to you" well im definattly in that mind frame right now (ps jary is the best guitar player weve ever had both for the band and musically). i just wanna get out there. ok this novel is over, ill update my live journal in a week or two with another novel.
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