May 21, 2008 14:18
Ugh. I'm sorry about not updating yesterday, but I was trying out a new program and I accidentally deleted the page file and had to start all over again. I guess I should just stick to Photoshop...
Anyway, the new page is up, and I know you may be WTFing at the last panel, but it'll be explained next page. Also, I like the panel where you see Velo's watch for some reason.
Yes, the Dead Thread enjoys monitoring you all via one-way mirror! :D Wow, Haibara, that's the best you could come up with...?
Well, it was that or something including PDAs and ghosts. >_>
You may argue that watching them like that is kind of creepy, but....It's not creepy, it's...strategic! :<
Anyway, EASTER EGG EASTER EGG!! (There are actually a couple in there. WHERE'S WALDO VALANT?!?!?!)
Oh, and yeah, just so you know, Envelope = Header. (Remember how Leo tried to use the header to prove his PM was legit?)
Also, don't worry, Wressy, I'll include your Velo vote soon.