3:10 PM, May 19, 2008 (PAGE 3)

May 19, 2008 15:10

So they're finally here, performing for YOU!

She's finally back! To kick some tail, and--*shot* (I had that song stuck in my head.)

I'm back from the cosplay--it was great! :D

I'm a liiiittle late, but...not as late as I was last time, so that's good...DX

Yes, this page is a setup for the Dead Thread, which I'm posting tomorrow(since I skipped a page). Oh, and I don't know why, but...I think my drawing hand likes Bishie Leo. If you, Leo, don't like your bishie-self, then please contact me and I'll stop drawing you as a bishie. (By accident.)

Oh, and...I..drew a page, but...I don't like how it turned out. I mean...

This is terrible. I think it's because it's Layton, but I just can't draw Phoenix!Wregy. I mean, I draw the face, and the suit, but when it comes to the spiky hair...I mean, I sketch it out, but then I go "OMG NO THAT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT" and throw the pad across the room. (Well, not really, but it does disturb me.) I don't know why it freaks me out so much, but...I'll have to practice it more.

....So I was practicing it, and...I still couldn't do it. So I ended up with some No Hat!Layton conceptual arts. (Lazy hand is lazy, but I didn't think about scanning it at the time...)

Yeah, I know..."What are you doing, drawing all sorts of things but NOT the comic?!" I cheat on the comic a lot. :C

.....Oh, and moar not-comic. Grey chibi--just because :>


Edit: Grey's not evil, he's just.....spastic. :
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