DW Femslash Assignment part 2/3

Oct 27, 2011 19:33

Part 1 -  http://hahns-girl.livejournal.com/8307.html


“When you said ‘golden sand’ I didn’t think you meant real gold!” exclaimed Amy as she exited the TARDIS, River close behind.  “And the water is purple!”

River’s grin widened as she watched the young red head take in the world around her, a look of sheer amazement on her face.

“Can we go swimming?” asked Amy, bouncing up and down excitedly.  “I mean it’s not toxic or anything.”

River raised an eyebrow.  “Who brought you here, me or the Doctor?”

Amy clapped her hands in excitement.  “Then I need to go and get changed.”

River watched the excitable young woman run back into the TARDIS, unable to keep the smile off her face. 
Today was going to be torture, and she knew it, but she was going to enjoy every glorious second of it.


From behind her sunglasses River watched as Amy took slow, languid strokes, her limbs moving gracefully through the water.  Her hair was a stunning contrast against the purple of the water as she swam, unaware of River’s eyes following her every move.

“You know what would make this even better,” mused Amy out loud.  “Cocktails.”

‘The last thing I need is alcohol…’

“I don’t suppose this place has the equivalent of a bar?” asked Amy as she turned to look at River, her face hopeful.

“There’s a couple towards the main city,” River answered even as her head screamed not to.  She found her smile widening as Amy swam closer.

“Then by all means lead the way,” purred Amy, gliding past River and nudging her shoulder.

‘I’d prefer to watch you lead,’ through River, before quickly pushing the thought form her mind.  With Amy in her rather flimsy bikini the best place for her was probably behind her where her eyes couldn’t become glued to her subtle curves.  As a compromise, she reached out her hand, taking hold of Amy’s and pulling her through the water towards the shore.


“I can’t believe it stays so warm here all the time.  It’s amazing,” smiled Amy as she reached for her drink.  She was still dressed in her bikini, the sun having dried it on the short walk, but now she wore a light sarong the TARDIS had provided on top.  River was almost positive by the light, distinctly pleased sounding humming that had accompanied, that the fact the material was practically see-through was no accident.  Sometimes, having such an intimate link to the TARDIS was no fun, especially when she was in such a teasing mood.

Putting her glass down, Amy turned to look at River.  Properly look at her.  All day the woman had been somewhat withdrawn, not her usual confident self at all, and it was starting to worry Amy.  Every time the red head would get close to her, River would find some excuse to move away, as if her proximity alone would give away some huge spoiler.  “This is the quietest I’ve ever seen you,” she observed out loud, succeeding in making River’s eyes meet her own.

“Sorry, darling, I’ve just been thinking, that’s all,” smiled River, reaching for her own drink.


How much I’d like to kiss you?  “Oh nothing important,” she smiled back.

Amy snorted in disbelief.

“What, I can’t have trivial thoughts like everyone else?” she asked, eyebrow raised.

Amy shrugged.  “I just don’t think that anything that could go through your head would be trivial to me.”

And just like that, River found her carefully constructed defences crumbling.

“You fascinate me.  Everything about you.  Every time after go away I always have so many questions I want to ask, but then when you’re here, I just…I get so caught up in just being with you that I never even think to ask any of them.”  Amy paused, her hand finding River’s.  “When you’re here, it’s like nothing else exists to me but you.”

Blaming the alcohol and her own foolish heart, River brought her free hand to cup Amy’s blushing cheek, pulling her in for a gentle kiss before leaning their foreheads together, her eyes closed, too overwhelmed by the emotions and sensations flooding through her to be able to cope the visual of the moment as well. 
“I won’t disappear if you open your eyes, you know.”

River bit her lip as she let her eyelids flutter open to reveal two gorgeous amber orbs staring right back at her.

Amy smiled before wrapping her arms around River’s neck and pulling her in for another, deeper kiss, reveling in the feeling of soft lips against her own.  She found herself moaning into the kiss as strong arms wrapped around her waist, practically pulling her onto River’s lap.

When they pulled back, both were breathing deeply.  “I’ve wanted to do that since the Byzantium,” grinned River.

“Then you should have,” giggled Amy.  “It would have been a nice reminder of humanity after those angels.”  She settled herself more comfortably on River’s legs.  “How many times have you met me?  And don’t you dare try and go all ‘spoilers’ on me!”

“Seven.”  River watched Amy’s brow furrow in confusion.  “More times than you remember meeting me?”
Amy nodded.

River shrugged.  “Then I guess something must have changed the time line.”

“For the worse if it meant I didn’t get to spend more time with you.”

“Sweet talker,” smiled River, trailing her fingers up and down Amy’s back through the thin material.  “Either that or I met the future you some of those times.”

“Believe me, if you’d met future me and this had already happened for me, this wouldn’t only be the third time you’d be kissing me,” grinned Amy in return as she leant in once more, crushing their lips together as her hands buried themselves in luxurious curls.  She finally pulled back, grinning at the sight of a flushed and clearly aroused River beneath.  “Maybe we should take this somewhere a little more private?” she whispered, leaning close to River’s ear, and placing a small kiss on the older woman’s neck before pulling back to meet her eyes.

River felt as though she was about to faint.  This couldn’t be happening.  Of all the impossible things in the universe…Still, she wasn’t about to let the moment slip by.  Grinning, she stood, letting Amy slip gracefully from her arms to stand in front of her.  “You’re sure?”

Amy reached out and took both River’s hands in her own, looking suddenly shy as she nodded.


“If I didn’t know better I’d say you had this all planned out, River Song,” smiled Amy as she looked out at the view.  The sun had gone down, and the view was now lit up by a silver moon, making it look even more spectacular than it had in the daylight.  Her smile widened as she felt strong arms encircle her waist and a warm body press up against her back.

“How do you know I didn’t?”

“Because if all this was was sex to you you’d have taken it months ago when you first met me,” said Amy, turning in River’s arms.  “This wasn’t some planned seduction on your part.  I’ve seen you turn on the charm, River Song, and if you’d aimed it at me, I’d have been yours in a heartbeat.  No, you’ve played this like…”

“Like?” River prompted, intrigued to see where the young woman would take this.  As she waited, however, she was not idle, leaning in to pepper the red heads pale neck with kisses.

“Like you really didn’t know how it would turn out.”

River paused in her attentions, raising her eyes to meet Amy’s.  “I didn’t.  I still don’t.  It’s one of the things I find so captivating about you.  I don’t know you, where you’ll end up, or what you’ll do to get there.”

“I’ve never seen you so unsure.”

River smiled.  “You’re finally seeing me then.”  She bit her lip shyly and shrugged.  “Without my spoilers and bravado, this is it.”

“Then it’s a privilege,” smiled Amy, leaning in to press her lips gently against the older woman’s.  “But I don’t think you need spoilers to know where this night is going to end up.”  She started to step forward, forcing River back and towards the bed.

When she felt the back of her legs hit the mattress, River decided it was time to turn the tables a little.  Amy was here.  Amy wanted this.  It was time to stop being so unsure.  She quickly turned them around, nudging Amy onto the bed, where she fell back with a small giggle.  A giggle that was quickly silenced as River crawled up her body, claiming her lips once more.

Not one for being idle, she let her hands seek out the knot on the tie of the red head’s sarong.  She quickly had the tie undone, her hand slipping beneath the flimsy material to let her fingers dance across the soft skin beneath.  Amy hissed at her touch, her back arching into the touch.

“You’re beautiful,” whispered River as she nuzzled the sensitive skin of Amy’s neck, the young woman whimpering beneath her.  “So beautiful.”  A stop was put to her ministrations when Amy suddenly surged up beneath her, pulling at the sarong she wore, wanting rid of it, wanting to feel more.  As she threw the piece of cloth aside she moved on to ridding River of the fiery red summer dress the woman had donned on their brief return to the TARDIS.

River chuckled as Amy tugged at her dress, growling when the material refused to budge.  Reaching under her right arm, she tugged at the hidden zip, with Amy quick to help her along, the end result of which being that River’s dress landing over the bedside lamp, casting a warm glow over the room.

“Mmm, better,” grinned Amy as she lowered her lips to worship the smooth, tanned skin now on offer to her.
“You’ve done this before,” panted River as she writhed beneath the red head who seemed able to play her body perfectly, as if they’d always been lovers.

Kissing her way back up to River’s lips, Amy looked into the lust darkened eyes of the woman below her.  “It bothers you?”

River shook her head, her curls bouncing.  “Just wondering where a girl from Leadworth learns such things.”
“Oh you’d be surprised,” grinned Amy, ghosting her lips over the woman below her, and loving the whimper she got in response.  She carefully lifted her leg, placing a thigh firmly between River’s legs, feeling the older woman’s hips surge against her.  Feeling the evidence of her arousal.  “All this for me?”

“You have no idea how many times I dreamt of this,” whispered River as Amy fingers danced across her skin, circling her nipple through the thin lace of her bra.

“Of all the wonders in the universe that you’ve seen, you dream of me?” asked Amy, pausing as River’s words sunk in.

“Of all the wonders in the universe, you are by far the most beautiful,” smiled River.  “If I had to chose one thing to look at for the rest of my life-.”  She was cut off by Amy crushing their lips together, her tongue pushing its way into River’s mouth.  This new, softer, River was something Amy was having trouble adapting to.  In particular, the compliments that seemed to flow so easily from the other woman’s lips.  Amy knew they were meant, and for some reason, that made them so much harder to receive.

Feeling River’s talented tongue meet her own, Amy couldn’t help but moan into the kiss.  There was no doubt about it; River Song could kiss.  She pulled back with a gasp when a toned thigh was thrust between her own, a growl erupting from her throat as her back arched.  “I’m not the only one who’s done this before.”

“Did you expect any different?” grinned River as she flipped them over, wasting no time in starting a trail of kisses down Amy’s neck and chest, a hand slipping underneath her lover to untie the flimsy strings that held her bikini in place.  The tiny scrap of cloth was tossed to the side and forgotten about instantly as River’s mouth occupied itself with her young lover’s rosy nipple, her tongue laving the sensitive bud.  She coupled her actions with trailing her hand over the smooth skin of Amy’s toned stomach, her nails scratching delicately, causing the muscles beneath to ripple in pleasure.

“Fuuuck!” breathed Amy as her body reacted automatically to River’s touch, her head thrown back on the pillow.

River smiled as she continued to lavish Amy’s small breasts with attention while maneuvering herself to Amy’s side, her hands quickly ridding her of her panties, her own following.  The smell of the younger woman’s arousal was the only prompt she needed to move away from her breasts and slide lower, her teeth nipping and tongue soothing as she went.

Amy’s hips practically shot off the bed when River’s tongue swept over her clit.  Every sensation River created felt amplified, and Amy knew without question that it would only ever feel this way with her.  No one else would ever be able to make her feel like this.  Could even hope to compare.  Strong arms slid under her thighs, drawing her centre closer to River’s mouth, and allowing the older woman to lay her arms across Amy’s hips, holding her in place as her wicked tongue went to work.  Within minutes Amy had been pushed so far towards the edge she had no choice to go over, coming hard while practically screaming River’s name.

Struggling to recover, Amy breathlessly tugged River back up her body, still panting as she pulled her in for a series of kisses, moaning as she tasted herself on the older woman’s lips.  “Wow.”

River chuckled as she settled herself next to Amy, propping her head up on her elbow as she watched her young lover slowly come down from her high.  “That good, huh?”

Amy turned to look at her with hazy amber eyes.  “That was amazing.  You are amazing.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” grinned River, brushing a few errant copper strands out of Amy’s face.

“Good to know,” chuckled Amy, her hand tracing random patterns on River’s hip.  She let her hand slide lower.  “Even here?”

River bit her lip, holding back a moan as she nodded.  It was a moan she could no longer suppress as Amy slid over to straddle her, her arms sliding around her neck and pulling her up for a searing kiss.    The older woman smiled into the kiss as she felt sure fingers spring open the clasp of her bra.  “Someone’s impatient,” she murmured against Amy’s lips, causing the younger woman to smile.

“Someone was wearing one too many pieces of clothing,” smiled Amy as she sat back enough to tug the straps down River’s arms, tossing the flimsy piece of lace to one side as she leant in to kiss her once more, moaning herself at the feeling of their breasts pressed together.

“Mmm, then I’m so glad you rectified the sitation,” purred River, falling back once more as Amy lowered her mouth, capturing a hardened nipple between her lips, using just the right combination of teeth and tongue to convince River that yes, Amy Pond had very definitely done this before.  Her purr turned to a growl as two fingers entered her without warning, easily setting a rhythm that her hips naturally responded to.

“Tell me what you want,” came the words whispered past her ear.

River’s eyes were practically rolling back in her head, and Amy was expecting her to formulate a sentence?  “Mmm.”

This time a breathy chuckle floated past her ear.  “What was that?”

“More,” growled River, burying her fingers in long copper locks as she pulled the young woman in for a deep kiss.  As Amy added a third finger River pulled back with a loud moan, her head thrown back as she struggled to hold on.  She didn’t want to let go so soon.  She wanted to feel like this forever.

“Like this?” asked Amy in that same seductive whisper, settling her hips behind her hand, and using them to add more power to her thursts.

“Oh fuck yes!” cried River, wrapping her arms around Amy’s shoulders, holding her close.  “Just like that…just…fuck!  Yes, Amy, YES!”

Amy smiled against River’s neck as she felt the other woman’s inner muscles clamp down around her fingers, feeling slightly overwhelmed that she could provoke such a deep reaction from the amazing woman below her.  Carefully removing her fingers, she brought them to her lips, licking them clean.

“You really are trying to kill me,” panted River as she watched what her mind now declared the most erotic ever action.

Amy merely giggled, curling into River’s side.  “Never,” she smiled, leaning over to press a gentle kiss on River’s waiting lips, who sighed contentedly, wrapping her arms tightly around her young lover.  “I never had you down as a cuddler.”

“I’m not,” smiled River.  “I just don’t want you to go anywhere.”

“I’m not,” giggled Amy, moving only to tug the cover over them both and then curl once more into River’s side, throwing a leg possessively over her hip and draping an arm across her toned stomach.  “Not for as long as possible.”

“How’s your diary looking for forever?”

amy; river; dr who

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