Title:The Interview (Part 1)
Characters:Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres (pre-slash), Pepe Reina, Jesus Navas, Iker Casillas
Rating:NC-17 (I curse alot so so do these lot)
Word count: 2048
Disclaimer:All complete lies unfortunately
Summary:Sergio's version of events of a job interview
A/N:Ok so this is my first time writing any type of story so I'm sorry if its super terrible, would appriciate comments even to say 'Oh god please don't ever subjuct me to something so bad EVER again' :-D Also I have Fernando's side if you do like it so .. umm .. enjoy *crosses fingers* Oh and spelling just isn't my strong point .. sorry :-/
The Interview (Part 1)
'Oh God, it was horrible, excrusiatingly painful, possibly the worst interview EVER ... in the history of the world' Sergio whinned as he went back to banging his head against the bar.
'Come on Sese, it couldn't have been THAT bad, I'm sure your just overreacting' Jesus said sympatheticly rubbing soothing circles on Sergio's back.
'Ha! It so was that bad' Pepe chucked from behind the bar as he poured Sergio another Tequila.
He'd already heard Sergio's rant twice since he'd come into the bar an hour ago, straight from 'the interview from hell' tie hanging loose, shirt untucked, suit jacket clasped tightly in his hands looking so helplessly at Pepe that he immediately grabbed a bottle of Tequila and poured two shots out for his friend.
'Yeah, laugh it up que ball!! even if I become a bum on the streets because of my apparant new ability not to get employed in jobs I'm fucking perfect for you'll still be jealous of me because of the one thing I have that you have lost forever' Sergio stated while making a dramatic show of tossing his hair back.
'A nose like Streisand??' Pepe choked out between laughs 'Oh wait, that was Sergio of last year I'm gonna have to google famous people who've had nose jobs for a new punchline.'
'.....' Sergio tried his best to look affronted, but didn't last long and he burst out laughing. He couldn't help it, especially not with Pepe it had been like this since the night they met.
Yoann, Sergio's first and so far only love had just boarded a plane back to France, Paris to be exact. He was to years ahead of Sergio in college both studying the same things (majors in Business, Minoring in Art) with the same goals (to be executives in major Advertising companies). Sergio fell hard and fast been new to a big city where there where openly gay people not just him and his lifelong best friend Jesus. But when Yoann graduated and was offered a place at a big advertizing firm in Paris he told Sergio he was sorry but couldn't say no to such a big opportunity with such an amazing company. He told Sergio not to worry because he could come to Paris when he graduated and they could be together that long distance would hurt but they would make it work. Sergio was happy then and hopeful of their future together. But that didn't stop him hurting when the plane had taken off and he was left alone wishing away the next to years he would have to enjure before he and Yoann were together again properly.
Thats how Sergio came to met Pepe. Because Pepe owned 'The Golden Glove' the pub very near where he and Jesus shared an apartment. He got very drunk and spent the night pouing his broken heart out to Pepe who listened patiently and tried his best to cheer him up.
'Hey listen, all you have to do is pull out your guitar walk outside and drop your cap and you'll have a lone of guys outside all wanting to listen to your sweet, sweet music' Pepe said with a friendly wink.
Sergio looked up in utter confusion thinking he hadn't been listening to him and then blushed at the thought of boring the poor man with his drunken tales of his broken heart.
'What?.. music ... um ... but I don't own a guitar or even know how to play ... umm... hey sorry if I'm being all annoying and boring ..
But Pepe cut him off. 'You don't own a guitar?.. huh.. and there's me thinking I could spot a Gypsy a mile off.' he said with a wide smile.
Sergio realized Pepe was only trying to lighten his mood and heart the only way that he knew how ... with a joke.
'and strangely' Sergio thought to himself 'its kind of working'
'Hey don't take out your bitterness of being a que ball out on me and my fabulous hair, I don't care how good your Tequila is' Sergio teased back.
Pepe laughed so long and hard that tears started to roll down his cheeks and no actual noise came out of his mouth.
He gave Sergio free Tequila for the rest of the night, partially because he really liked him and partially because he'd already been watering it down for an hour afraid the heartbroken man in front of him would end up with alcohol poisoning.
They have been great friends ever since, cemented my the fact of how supportive Pepe was six months later when Yoann told him he'd found someone else and completely broken Sergio's heart.
'Ok come on spill, what happened that was so terrible' Jesus demanded.
'Uugghh' Sergio made a discusted face as he was reminded of why he was here getting shitfaces in the middle of the day, rather than celebrating his new position with Alonso, Casillas & Torres, the most prominant advertizing company in Madrid, hell Spain for that matter.
'Ok, so it started of amazing, showed up was told I was going to be interviewed by Fernando Torres...'
'What one of the partners' Jesus interupted ' that Fernando Torres'
'No the janitor who happens to also be names Fernando Torres.... of course that Fernando Torres' Sergio practically screamed.
'Keep your hair on Sese!!' Pepe said while trying his best to keep a straight face.
Jesus giggles as Sergio rolled his eyes but his mouth betrayed him and turned up slightly at the corners.
'Look I'm sorry for snapping at you, just let me get this out in one go, no interuptions so I can get all the sympathy and alcohol I deserve to help numb the fact that God, Allah, Buddha whoever is up there fucking hates me!!'
'Maybe he's pissed you don't know his name'
'Pepe be quiet, go on Sese' Jesus said while trying to glare at Pepe who was ignoring him and reading himself to hear the 'tragedy' for the third time.
'So I'm there, told Fernando Torres partner at Alonso, Casillas & Torres' he began with a glance at Jesus 'himself would be conducting the interview. Because the job was to be working with him, just him as the Creative Director and me if I got the job as a Copywriter/art director. But seemingly thats how they work over there ... smaller teams. Sometimes for bigger accounts two Creative Directors would word together with their 'hybrid' - their word not mine' Sergio stated with a look at Pepe who was just about to make a smart ass remard. He closed his mouth audibly and motioned for Sergio to continue.
'Anyway so I'm really nervous but also you know , confident. I can do this job. I'd be an asset to this company. I wasn't been arrogant. I graduated top of my class I'm made for this job. God, I was made for this company...'
'Sese, Sese stop rambling your going off topic ... What happened???
'Sorry I'm just so annoyed because it all went to shit when he walked in' Sergio whispered miserably 'Fernando Fucking Torres - partner in Alonso, Casillas & Torres ...... Sex god extrordinaire..'
'Wait!! WHAT????' shouted Jesus as Pepe tried unsuccessfully to turn his laugh into a cough.
'My God Jesus you should have seen him... the biggest most beautiful doe eyes I've ever seen and the smile ... not that it lasted very long on his face after I introduced myself .... and freckles Jesus, freckles fucking everywhere, God it was ridiculous I just wanted to lick every single one off.'
'Hold on, hold on are you telling me you messed up an interview for a dream job with a dream company because you had the hots for the man interviewing you' Jesus blurted out in complete shock.
'Of course not, No Jesus come on you know me, see this is why i asked for no interuptions'
'Sorry, continue'
'Ok so I covered the partner interviewing me, the hotness of said partner, the eyes, the smile, the freckles .... mmmm the freckles'
Pepe coughed rather loudly having experienced how lost Sergio seemed to get at the mention of freckles.
'Right so what I haven't got to yet was the fact he was a fucking nightmare, a monster of biblical preportions, I swear I could have done better in an interview with Sepp Blatter while trying to pitch the idea of goal line technology.'
'He hated me and I haven't a clue why. He asked me a question and I swear to God I could litrally see his eyes glaze over. He wasn't ever fucking listening to me. So I finished answering and it took him like thirthy seconds to realise I'd even stopped. He actually blushed because of ot. I meanI was obviously so uninteresting I'd lost his attention after like five fucking minutes ... and thats me been generous with the timing.'
Sergio went back to banging his head on the bar as Pepe and Jesus excanged worried glances.
'I already told ya Gitano, you couldnt be boring if you tried and I doubt your answers were uninteresting ... he's obviously just a prick!!! His problem not your Hombre.' Pepe concluded with a warm smile.
'Yeah Serg he's right, you said yourself you'd be perfect for this job ... you know what I bet he was just pissed because he realised you'd be better at his job than he is.'
'Thanks guys' Sergio mutteres into his arms and then lifted his head but refused to meet their eyes.
'But it wasn't even just that' Sergio sighed ' after he asked me what I'm sure was just a random question to hide the fact he was completely ignoring my answers, when I started talking he started to frown like he was extremely pissed at me and scribling something down but I swear when he looked at me I thought ..... I thought he wanted to attack me. Seriously jump over the table and kick my ass.'
'Then after maybe two or three more questions, more scribbling, frowning, looking like he wanted to jump me he said 'Nice meeting you Mr Ramos, we'll be in touch' and ran out of the office... ok maybe not ran but it was closer to a run than a walk ... a jog, thats it he basically jogged out of his own fucking office.' And with that his head landed in his arms again and a pitiful moan escaped his lips.
'Oh Sese' Jesus whispered as he wrapped wrapped is armes around his best friend.
'Pepe' called Sergio as he turned his head to the side to let Jesus press conforting kisses to his cheek.
'Yeah Gitano, what can I do to see my favourite smile again ??? .... don't tell Yolanda I said that.'
Sergio chucked inspite of himeslf. 'Tequila.... please more Tequila'
'Sure thing Sese.'
One thirty am
As Sergio and Jesus made their way into their apartment Jesus made straight for his bedroom muttering something Sergio took to mean 'Goodnight'. Sergio stumbled into the kitchen to get himself a snack (he always got the munchies wen drunk and could eat you out of house and home if left unattended for too long. Pepe claimes he has put locks on all his cabnets and fridge for the next time he comes over for dinner and drinks) when he notices the light flashing on the answering machine. He pressed the play button and goes to root in the fridge as he listens.
'Mr Ramos, this is Iker Casillas from Alonso, Casillas & Torres. I'm just calling to inform you that after your interview today with Mr Torres, which I hear went extremely well, that we would like to offer you a place on the team here at A.C.T. Please ring out office for further details. I'm sure it will be a pleasure working with you. So until then.' The beep signaled the end of the message.
One minute and forty seconds later Sergio was able to force his brain into unfreexing long enough to straighen up and close the fridge, but just couldn't seem to funtion any further than that.