Alright, so, I am conducting an experiment...well, not really. But I am going to document it like it were an experiment. What am I planning to do you might ask? Well, I'll tell you. I am planning to stay up until Friday night at 11:59 p.m. Why am I doing this? Simple: The Dark Knight is at midnight, it will end at 2:30ish, and then about 2 hours later I'll have to assist Cory in driving my father to work. So that right there is enough reason to say no to sleep, but it gets better. At about 7:30, we'll have to drive my mother to the hospital for her knee surgery. So, why waste the day sleeping at that point? I say nay to sleep, and yay to energy drink filled sleepiness!
So, without further ado, lets start logging!
(Two and 1/2 hours in)
Caffeine log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee
I'm feeling pretty good right now. I only slept for roughly 6 or 7 hours last night, which is not a great start, but I'll take it. I drank a large cup of coffee, which should get me energized pretty soon. Plus, I'll be seeing Tessa around 2:30ish, and that'll provide a pick-me-up. Not much to report right now, so I'll update later.
(Five and 3/4 hours in)
Caffeine log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee
Ugh, I'm crashing from the coffee...I need to get some more caffeine soon. Tessa should be coming over in an hour or so. Hopefully I'm not a zombie.
(Nineteen and 1/4 hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee
Ok, lots to say. Spent 5 or so hours with Tessa, which was amazing. Seriously, it will probably go down in my mind, that is. Just got back from The Dark Knight, and I think it's quite clear that it was amazing. I hate to sound like everyone else on the planet right now, but Heath Ledger's performance was sensational, and I'll be shocked if he isn't nominated for Best Supporting Actor. As for sleepiness, I'm surprisingly up right now. Maybe it was the movie getting me pumped, but I wouldn't be able to sleep if I tried.
Actually, to be completely honest, I'd love some sleep right now. Fuck. 19 hours left...I need caffeine.
(Twenty and 1/4 hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee
Turns out my dad doesn't need a ride. This entire thing is starting to lose it's meaning...but I must go on.
(Twenty-One and 1/2 hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee
I'm starting to hallucinate. Kill me.
(Thirty-Three hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee, 1 large iced coffee from McDonalds, Doubleshot on ice with boost from Starbucks.
Very long day. At around 7:30, Cory and I drove my mother to the hospital. I assumed we were just dropping her off, but we stayed in the waiting room from 9-2:30. What. The. Fuck. Haven't been so bored and anxious in all my...week. Good news though, the surgery was a complete success. On the down side, I'm fucking tired. Just 7 hours left...
(Thirty-Seven and 3/4 hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee, 1 large iced coffee from McDonalds, 1 Doubleshot on ice with boost from Starbucks, 1 small Dr. Pepper.
I am seriously freaking out. Sounds are distorted, my thoughts jumbled and my vision is constantly fucking up...this was truly a terrible idea.
(Thirty-Nine and 1/4 hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee, 1 large iced coffee from McDonalds, 1 Doubleshot on ice with boost from Starbucks, 1 small Dr. Pepper.
This horrible idea is coming to a close soon. I really want to go back to a somewhat stable state of mind...that would be nice.
(Thirty-Nine and 5/6 hours in)
Caffeine Log (cumulative): 1 large cup of coffee, 1 large iced coffee from McDonalds, 1 Doubleshot on ice with boost from Starbucks, 1 small Dr. Pepper.
Come on...come on...
(Forty hours in)
Wait...that means-
Overall Caffeine: 1 large cup of coffee, 1 large iced coffee from McDonalds, 1 Doubleshot on ice with boost from Starbucks, 1 small Dr. Pepper.
Final Thoughts: Staying up for 40 hours straight accomplishes nothing. I'm going to bed now.