(no subject)

Oct 14, 2016 12:04

So last week at planes -

I arrived to discover RY working with HA. RY is competition-grade and team-member; previously he used to show up every couple months, mostly when he needed to kick off more than he needed to train. Nowadays he's graduated from high school and waiting on draft (he's got a date, it's just super-late), so possibly we'd be seeing him more often. He's adorable, so I care only in a positive sense.

Last week, ER picked him up from home exactly so he could play tutor to HA, on the basis that while I'm second only to the pros on landing and crosswind, 3D isn't my style. As this means I could spend my energy on my own flight time... again, no complaints. Particularly as RY is more responsible than half the adults and everyone recognizes his status, so he's damn helpful in reigning the crazies in.

The reason I mentioned this is because HA was fantastic in the air and ER and I had very similar smug-happy faces. HA, for his part, had completely forgotten he's only gone solo a week prior and was first convinced to go up while someone else was also less than that.

First time, AM had to forcefully nudge me in the air - I was feeling pretty shitty. Turns out, I fucking finally regained the ability to have okay hands and attention even if my temper's foul; I realized that when a couple circles in I attempted a loop - which I haven't done in these last few months of shit going wrong - and scored a perfectly symmetrical one despite the crosswind, then another one.

Second go I was going to return to aileron rolls, but RM went up two circles after I did - and RM is a fucking disaster and it was all I could do to dodge in time as this idiot kept nearly flying his plane into mine. Eventually HA landed, and I managed to call RY over to me and explain the situation so he could go Deal With It.

Third run I always didn't - I was fucking tired and though summer-heat's mostly off it's still hot and I was still recovering from the activity run of Rosh HaShana and its preceding weekend - then AM's jet went up in flames, so once he put that out I asked him to work with me. (Getting out of a loop that's gone bad is relatively easy; a roll that's gone bad is a full-engine nose-dive spiral.) And - perfect right-hand rolls. Consistently. I even got to controlling the number of rolls, and doing two instances on a downwind.

So the plan for this week - for tomorrow - is left-hand rolls. Once I can consistently produce those, too, real aerobatics start.

This entry was originally posted at http://hagar-972.dreamwidth.org/2866307.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

playing with planes

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