...right, now I remember what the other funny thing was.

Dec 23, 2015 11:48

So remember Douma? The Shin-Beit remembers, too. They'd actually gone and arrested people. Not only that, but they decided to exercise that they don't have to let people see their lawyers - or anyone - before 21da are up if the suspicion-on-record is terrorism, even if that's Jew-on-Arab terrorism.

And then they decided to bring out the rest of the toolbox, too.

The reactions from these guys' lawyers are priceless. What judges reviewed this case so far didn't say "Well you didn't mind it when it was Palestinian minors", but they didn't do or say anything other than an unimpressed face, either.

(Let it not be said the Shin-Beit doesn't take Jewish terrorism seriously. It does; they're pushing the boundaries of what the law allows them to do on this one. Just, harder targets.)

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