The entire internet needs to stop drawing comparisons between race relations in the US and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. From college-student-seeming tumblr users to people with PhDs on professional venues, this needs to fucking stop.
The US didn't fight its War of Independence against African nations.
European Settlers in the Americas did not have any previous histories there.
Murderous, organized attacks on schools and nurseries and homes were not a Thing.
Public-space mass murders of White USians by Blacks were not a Thing.
Predominantly-Black residential areas were not used to launch organize military campaigns against predominantly-White residential areas.
50% of USians Whites are not ethnic African violently chased out of African nations.
I am not saying Israel doesn't have a Jew-on-Arab racism problem. (I'm including all of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Arab in this.) Oh dear god do I know better than that. What I'm saying is:
A. Jewish Israelis are not the only racists here
B. The histories of racial relations in the US and in Israel are totally fucking different and if you're going to try and make any wide-reaching arguments you need to pay attention to the fucking histories
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