constant mantra of "breathe...just breathe"

Nov 03, 2020 12:02

(i thought i fixed the cross posting problem but apparently I didn't. posted this last night to DW)

hello kind friends, I suppose one should post before the big thing, eh?
1) I signed up for Highlander Shortcuts! I hope to actually write my story earlier this year. At least not a day before the deadline!
b) I scheduled a dentist appointment for Nov. 3 not realizing that Nov. 3rd was Nov 3rd. I almost canceled but then was like whatever. Might as well.
iii) due to that mandalorian dude, my tumblr dash is full of Timothy Olyphant and therefore I am feeling more favorable to the series than before lol. I liked this first season 2 episode a lot more than  any of the eps from season 1, though the no remove helmet schtick still bothers the fuck out of me. i started rewatching both clone wars and rebels, and you know, EVERY MANDALORIAN REMOVES THEIR HELMET WTF I DON'T UNDERSTAND. And I'm going to be seriously annoyed by any retcon that makes it okay.
quatro) my phone overheated and died a couple of weeks ago while I was on a too hot walk around the hollywood reservoir while on this weird date with this dude. dating during covid is weird, ya'll. as a bad sign, when I returned to my car it was flashing the apple logo and wouldn't come back to life if you do the hard reset thingie, you know push the magic buttons at the same time thingie. spent the rest of the day googling what to do. did ALL the things the internet told me to do (which, in case you're wondering for when your phone gets stuck in recovery mode like mine did is to act like you're going to restore to factory settings but instead actually update it) , tried over and over again, called Apple and they instructed me to do the exact same things I had already been doing. Nothing would work. No genius bars open. It wouldn't recover or restore. Everything failed. My options were to mail it to Apple for at least a $600 repair bill if not more, try a third party mac place, or buy a new phone. And (don't yell at me) I didn't have a recent back up. So if I bought a new phone I'd be restoring from a back up from a year ago whoops. Anyway long story long, I spent all day after my weird date trying to fix the damn thing. Gave up. on a whim, I put the phone in the fridge while I went to shower. then I took it out 20 minutes later, I decided to try the restore one last time and... it worked. 8 hours I worked on that thing. I spent the next day in a coma. but I had my phone! And it's like nothing ever happened. the bastard.
5) I watched THE BOYS on Amazon Prime and ended up loving it even though it's kind of terrifying. It took a while for me to warm up to it though. I find the young lead in it super annoying (who turns out is Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan's kid wtf). But I loved Frenchie and MM. And each time I see Eomer in something (sorry I can't remember the actor's name right now) I always think, okay THIS time I'm going to like him, because normally I don't like how he acts, or maybe I just don't like the roles he takes or something? I don't know. I always try to like him because he's in everything! That man is in many a fannish show or movie. and each time I see him i'm like oh no that guy again, okay well maybe this time I'll like him and... I usually don't. But again, this time I was like, okay, we're going to really like him for sure and...well it took both seasons but I did sort of warm up to Billy Butcher by the end. at least I didn't hate him, which is pretty good all things considered. But I'm really just watching for Frenchie and MM. And I kind of like this dark twisted superhero AU reality that's TOO real. I enjoyed imagining the MCU heroes suddenly teleported to the Boys reality and wondering at their horror.
5a) I am very much still loving MCU. I often Endgame came out last year. LAST YEAR. It missed the pandemic by a year. Imagine what it would have been like if Endgame's release got nuked by the pandemic? Most MCU fans want to be whiney complainly about Endgame and the MCU in general but for me Endgame was a blast, especially the in theatre experience of it, I went *mumble* number of times and enjoyed the heck out if it each time, and it's sort of odd to think that it just might be a once in a lifetime thing.
VI) I have no sixth thing to talk about. okay I lied, maybe I do. I watched the Haunting of Bly Manor and I didn't like it nearly as much as the Haunting of Hill House. I'm not really a fan of The Turning of the Screw though, so it already had a mark against it. The best part of the season was Hannah Grose and Owen.
g) I have been listening to Georgette Heyer novels on audiobooks while I run. I'm running 3 or 4 times a week. I'm listening to the Nonesuch right now. Nothing quite like Sir Waldo <3. :D :D :D The reader for this one is particularly great. During October, my runs are populated by skeletons in people's yards. They all make me very happy.
ocho) I am mostly doing okay, as life continues to swing into surreality. some weeks are worse than others. Some days are funky and moody and strange. Some are just wtf. I'd really love to go to the movies again. I hope you all are doing okay and hanging in there too. work is never ending and surreal. don't let your phones overheat. I have no idea what's in store for us, whichever way the election goes tomorrow. But, either way, it's going to be historic.

georgette hayer, 2020, mcu, hlh_shortcuts, television, the pandemic, star wars

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