Favorite characters

Jun 29, 2010 10:05

Day 14 - Favorite male character

Maurice Lalonde, from Highlander, naturally.

KIDDING. haha. I funny.

All right, all right, my favorite male character is non other than this guy.
killabeez said all the reasons why in her post here. Anything I say will be redundant. He is Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. There can be only one! But there can also be a few runners-up. *g*

1. Methos -- Highlander -- He is actually not that far off in second place because he sits right next to Duncan MacLeod, all languid limbs and mischievous smiles.
2. Jack Bauer -- 24 -- My broken and scarred hero.
3. Tony Almeida -- 24 -- Tony Almeida is a beautiful, tortured man, and Jack misses him very much.
4. Roger Lococco -- Wiseguy -- My crazy assassin boyfriend! <3 <3

and a tie in 5th place between...

Gene Hunt -- Ashes to Ashes -- One of the most fascinating male characters I've ever come across.


The Doctor -- Doctor Who -- No matter the face he carries, he is awesome.

Day 15 - Favorite female character

This one is harder for me as I love to gather female characters close and cherish them equally.

1. Donna Noble -- Doctor Who -- She will never not be one of my favorite female characters of all time and space and relativity. She is Donna, the DoctorDonna, the best friend to a certain tall, lanky, arrogant alien who doesn't deserve her. She is the most important woman in the universe. She is, in other words, SuperTemp.
2. Amanda Darieux -- Never was there a character so beautiful and fun and sexy whom you should watch like a hawk if you are so fortunate as to have her among your personal items. She loves bright shiny things, Duncan MacLeod, her lovely neck, her friends, a little romance, and dancing, not necessarily in that order. She is Amanda!
3. Captain Katheryn Janeway -- ST: Voy -- I love her for being ballsy, for being stubborn, for making hard decisions and sticking with them despite opposition, for all of her strengths that are sometimes her weaknesses. If I had to choose a favorite Captain, it just might be her.
4. Rose Tyler - Doctor Who -- I never stopped loving her, not once. I miss her a lot.
5. Sydney Bristow - Alias -- I want Sydney for a friend, even with the crazy spy hobby she has. haha.

Honorary Mention:

All the women of Friday Night Lights, especially Tyra Collete and Tami Taylor.

Dreamwidth Post |

wiseguy, alias, 24, 30 days of tv, doctor who, st: voy, ashes to ashes, highlander

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