drive-by post on the 24 series finale

May 27, 2010 10:44

This was a really good season! With the exception of the Dana Walsh storyline, I loved every minute of it, and was pretty much riveted for the entire 2 of the finale.

Things I loved like burning:


~ I read the recaplets in the TWOP website for these two last eps, and the recapper said it best: "...Kiefer's sniper perch remains operational. From there, he gets Logan in his sights and forces him to call Suvarov up to his office. And then he does the scariest thing he's done so far: he smiles." YEAH, UNDERSTATEMENT.

~ Cherry Jones deserves an emmy for her performance, I'm not kidding. That was some good acting! What got me was in the elevator when Pres. Tayler has her head of homeland security with her (that short guy, I think he's so cute. lol) and she's shaking and can barely stand. I mean, she brought it all on herself, of course, and I really wasn't certain which way they would go with it. Ultimately, her stepping up and admitting her actions is in character, so although it was a tad predictable, I'm very happy she came clean, and the acting more than made up for any predictability in the plot.

~ Man, in the 24-universe, whatever you do, do not run for President -- IT IS CURSED.

~ The scene between Dalia Hassan and President Tayler was AWESOME. Seriously. Where's the fiction, because these two have some amazing chemistry -- not particularly sexual but strong, and like, fierce. First of all, Dalia Hassan is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and she became more beautiful the angrier she got, and her large dark eyes are really quite impressive when she gets going.

~ The scene at the top of the second hour between Jack and Chloe, holy moley. A backwards mexican standoff, and then Jack put the gun to his head and she had to shoot him before he blew his head off. It all happens so fast that you just let out a gasp when she finally shoots him. "shoot me!" "I can't, don't make me do something I can't do!" "you have to. i know it's hard. SHOOT ME. DAMN IT SHOOT ME." gun to his head, bullet to the shoulder. yikes.

~ I loved that Jack did not kill Jason Piller, although it would have been far easier with Piller dead. But it was a moment that showed Jack's fractured humanity still existing, and I loved him for it. Much good it did Piller, though, the bastard.

~ I should have known Logan would eventually try to kill himself. AND FAIL. jeezus, the man is still alive, although maybe death would have been better then surviving a bullet to the brain. And he killed Piller, which I'm surprised he had the balls to do, quite frankly. Which sucks. Piller was a tool, but Jack spared him. He should have gotten the chance to live.

~ Jack's message to Kim was lovely. Even being a bit on the nose with the theme of the season, it was really moving. And man, he was *so close* to getting out and living out his days being Grandpa Jack. Although, who are we kidding, that is not in his destiny so long as he's the main attraction for a TV franchise. lol. Poor Jack.

~ The two good-bye scenes with Tayler and Chloe were very moving, and sad. I was only prevented from enjoying them fully because I still had a wild hope that Tony would show up and wisk Jack away. *sigh* I knew it couldn't happen, but IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO AWESOME. I WOULD HAVE BEEN HIGH FOR A MONTH AFTERWARDS. But, despite my wish not really coming true, my TRUE desire was for the show to end well, and for the finale not to suck, basically, and to leave us in a position where we could explore further, and we totally got that. And, so long as Jack and Tony are alive, everything else is negotiable. LOL. And Chloe. It would have sucked if she had died somehow. And I'm also REALLY glad Cole Ortiz didn't die. I liked him, a bit useless and something of a Tony stand-in, but he's a good man, and I'm glad he's not dead.

~ I thought it was a good call not to have the silent clock at the end. It was as uplifting an ending as could ever be possible on 24 (after all that death and terror), and silent clocks are for mourning.

And the ticky clock show finally ends. I'll miss it very much.

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