1. Car fixed. Rental returned*. And boy does my car seem puny and plain jane after my fancy rental, but yay its back. And they made it all pretty and fixed the paint job on other parts of the car that wasn't involved in the car accident, which they totally didn't need to do. So yay. Total was less than they said originally - $2,228. I only pay $500, which will hopefully be reimbursed, yes.
b. I'm mostly all ready for my mustang trip. No cell phones, no computers**, CAMPING, temp at night gets down to 20 degrees, I don't think I'm going to bring my iPod either. The only modern convenience we'll have is our cameras. I think they set up some sort of shower for us. PRAY FOR ME. Thankfully, other people cook.
iii. I'm starting to think that the theories about Jacketed/Not Jacketed Doctor are correct.
I'm not so sure about the jacket being an instance of major timey whimey plotting going one, largely because it was *so* subtle, but there are other instances, and I *love* the theories about "the Doctor in the TARDIS", and appearance of future Amy and Rory was a pretty blatant clue, imo. If so, that'll be pretty cool if it all makes sense at the end. *g*
quatro. I'm downloading Ashes to Ashes!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT. I'M DYING OVER HERE. But damn, I don't think I'm going to get to it before I leave on friday. *wibble* (see what I did there? get it? QUATTRO! hahah. all right, I amuse myself.) Come hell or high water, I'll watch 24 before I leave, though.
* Yeah, so I totally scraped the rental. And no, I didn't buy the rental company's coverage. Because I'm stoopid. But, in any case, I did some admittedly amateurish detailing, and then some artful decoration with dirt, and they didn't seem to notice. whatevs.
** Apparently, someone does bring a computer and some sort of projector, so we can project our pictures on some kind of makeshift screen when we camp at night, and some guy gives talks on mustangs. Should be interesting. *g*
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