three things

May 02, 2008 10:50

Thing #1: There's this guy at work with the last name Ramirez, which is a common enough last name of course, but me being a Highlander fan, I can't help but impersonate the Kurgan's gravely voice each time I have to say this guy's last name. "Rrrrammmmirezzzz." Although lately, it's sounding more like how the bunny says it. Bwah!

Thing #2: Sleeveface. Wacky! Some of these are really pretty cool. And I will never cease wondering at the human capacity for coming up with bizarre and cool ways of wasting time. *g* My one disapointment was that I didn't see anyone do a sleeveface for Hole's Live Through This album. Link courtesy of

Thing #3: Flight of the Conchords! Flight of the Conchords! Flight of the Conchords! *ahem* Their new album is out -- songs mostly from their first season TV show. No live songs on this one, and some of the arrangements and lyrics are different. Well worth it, even if you bought the previous album (which has a few of the same songs on it, but still worth buying both since the first one is mostly live). New Zealand's 4th most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo aka Flight of the Conchords are currently in LA, actually, performing two shows at the end of the month, which I do not have tickets for, sadly, because I was slow to realize what was what with all the mayhem going on in my life, but I'm just happy knowing they're around and enjoying success. And, to make me *really* smile, here are scans of a recent photo spread where they dress up like other famous rock & roll duos. Captain and Tennille!! (Bret is Tennille. bwah!) Yoko Ono and John Lennon. hee. Wham! All of the shots are hysterical but my FAVORITE THING OF ALL THINGS EVER is this photo spread of Jemaine & Bret as David Bowie and Mick Jagger. Prancing in the Street. *dies* omg I love them so much. Quite possible, Jemaine pwns me. I'm just saying.

wacky, random, links, fotc

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