Feng Shui this!

Apr 30, 2008 11:50

I'm still living in a sea of boxes, but I have at least unpacked all of my clothes (most of which were dirty, anyway, so there was less to unpack) but I am in a quandry regarding where to put what in my new room.

There is an ill placed air-conditioner messing up my feng shui, dang it all, and thus my bed has to be put in what's called in feng shui the "death positon". Yayz? There are ways to counteract this (which would require either a) getting a bedframe with a footrest or b) creating a footrest of some kind), or I can just block the darn AC with my bed, but I'm reluctant to do that -- it just seems a waste, even if there are not many days when I actually need an AC where I live (courtesy of the marine layer. woo). Or I can put my bed cross-wise, but I'd rather not. I think that's worse.

(see, this is what I do. I obsess over something like this -- something that I have control over -- in the face of life in general, of which I normally do not have control over.)

Eventually I will be able to concentrate on the fun parts of moving like decorating each part of my room to promote harmony and good energy. Or something. I never really got around to giving my previous bedroom or apt. any attention. It was always half-decorated or just sort of hobbled to gether with odd bits of furniture and artwork that never actually made it onto the walls. I will not do this again.

In other news, I do not have internet at home, nor cable. I'm skimming off of someone else's bandwith, which has dodgy reception in our apt., and which I feel bad about, but internet/cable is just going to have to wait for a bit. I also have to pull from the depths of my brain how to network computers again/set up routers. Each time I have to do this, I have to relearn it all over again. Bah.


And now, for some Doctor Who rambly thoughts.

Doctor and Donna: You know what it is that I'm really loving about the Doctor and Donna's relationship (so far)? It's not that she doesn't fancy him (requited or unrequited as the case may be), thus allowing for a different dynamic. It's that I'm getting a real *friends* vibe off of them -- confidants. And easier, less fraught, sort of energy that is not only allowing the Doctor to be a bit different with her but also allows for Donna to not be the bride seeking a husband and explore and travel. It's a delicate kind of ease between them.

To put it another (probably more complicated) way, the differences between the Doctor & Rose and the Doctor & Martha vs the Doctor & Donna is usually referenced in the negative, meaning "the relationship between the Doctor & Donna is NOT a romance." or "she does NOT fancy him." etc etc, to contrast from what came before. But I like to spin it around the other way, flip it into the postive: "the Doctor & Donna ARE good friends, friends who are comfortable with each other as friends."[1] I've seen many comments stating what they are NOT, but I love what they ARE.

You might say "duh" to this *g* (I would!) but it's really a subtle difference. Their chemistry is lovely for what it is (and certainly doesn't preclude the progression to hanky panky if someone so desired to write it. *g*).

[1]Not to imply that Rose and Martha (and Astrid, just to be inclusive) weren't also friends to the Doctor, which of course they were.

doctor who, real life

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