French folk song

Mar 10, 2008 13:29

I need help from my mighty mighty friend's list!

When I was in high school and taking French, we learned a song about a bird, a sparrow I think (hirondelle) who tried to steal 3 sacks of grain (or wheat?) and was beat up by someone with a stick, hit 3 times?

Anyone know this song? Or where I can find the lyrics? I have long since lost all of my high school notebooks, and my memory is not helping at all. Each time I try to remember how the song went I sing the chevalier drinking song instead (chevaliers du la table ronde, gouton voir si la vin est bon). And my google fu is made of FAIL.

The "hirondelle" song was possibly featured in a french movie about reform school girls (??) where the girls sang the song as they had to march through the streets. I recall one particularly gruesome scene where one of the girls stabbed a fork through another girls' hand during one of the mealtimes. (we watched the movie in class which is what led to us learning the song. can't remember what the movie was though. This was more than a decade ago! *facepalm*)

It's a rather violent little song, but with a sweet melody, good for a round. Anyone? Bueller?

ETA: As should be a surprise to no one, taselby knows all.


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