I am distinctly lacking in quirky habits

Aug 30, 2007 09:42

carose59 tagged me for this yesterday.

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

I'm just going to list my seven quirks, because quite honestly, I'm too lazy to do seven user tags. I never remember everyone's lj name, and have to go hunt it down. Everyone reading this consider yourself tagged, if you haven't done so already.

1. When I was a kid, I hated taking baths. Mom has stories of me running away butt ass naked, trying to get out of bathing. At times, my family had to resort to threats and bribes. Rest assured, I bathe/shower daily now. heh.

2. Sort of inline with the above, when I was about 8 or 9, for some reason I was petrified of changing my hairstyle. That if I did, the kids at school would tease me mercilessly for looking different from the day before. Makes no sense, and on the occasions when I did change it, like say to a pony tail or whatever, no one ever noticed, so I'm not sure what I was freaking out about. I think this peculiarness only lasted a year or so.

3. I'm not that big a fan of ice cream. I'll eat it, and even like it, but it's not my first or fifth choice in desserts.

4. I've never managed the nack of keeping my bedroom tidy.

5. I would be perfectly happy with a career in reading.

6. While driving, I listen to the radio at a very high volume.

7. One of my favorite snacks is to take a flowerflour tortilla (corn works too, but it's different), place it directly over the open flame of a burner (this does not work with electric), toast it, then smother it with butter, roll, and eat. yum. Sometimes I use cream cheese. Occasionally, when I'm either lazy or too hungry to do anything else, i'll like 4 of these rather then cook something.


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