good golly

Aug 28, 2007 10:01

It's been nearly two weeks since I posted last, and feels like months, actually. School started up again yesterday. blerg. I'm alive. Writing. Broke 50,000 words, so yay. :D

The meme from my last post interests me, and, as an exercise, I'm going to do it for a few more fandoms. just 'cause. Highlander, Lost, and Wiseguy are already covered.

The questions:

01. The first character I first fell in love with
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't
04. The character I love that everyone else hates
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer
06. The character I would shag anytime
07. The character I'd want to be like
08. The character I'd slap
09. A pairing that I love
10. A pairing that I despise

Jane Austen:

Let's see if I can do this with all of the novels...

1. Oh, Darcy!
2. I'm rather stubbornly fond of Fanny Price.
3. mmm, can't think of one
4. Both Jane Bennet and Bingley get unfairly maligned, in an offhand sort of way, and that drives me batty because I ADORE them. It's annoying to read stories where they're belittled.
5. none.
6. Oh gosh. Fitzwilliam Darcy or George Knightley or Henry Tilney. I can't decide!
7. Anne Elliot
8. Oh, that's a tough one. Lydia Bennet, most likely. She might be the only one who would benefit from a slap.
9. Darcy/Elizabeth; Tilney/Catherine
10. Even the worst couplings in any of the novels have a certain inevitability about them. The only one I would wish to change is Charlotte Lucas/William Collins.

Star Trek:

This will also be all shows/movies.

1. Spock
2. Tom Paris
3. Love is relative. *g* These are characters I still like quite a bit, but not to the level of most people, it seems to me. One for every series: McCoy, Garak, B'Elanna, Hoshi, and Reginald Barcley (although, that last one is maybe only in opposition to the darn writers, who seem to love that character.)
4. Captain Janeway. I've always been a bit befuddled by the level of hatred aimed at that character. Honestly, it really confuses me.
5. none. I have a hard time letting go of love.
6. Chakotay, Paris
7. Janeway! Jadzia Dax. :D
8. oh, slapping again. No one.
9. Chakotay/Paris
10. nothing to the level of despising.

Battlestar Galactica:

1. The first character I loved, rather. Daddy Adama, I think.
2. Lt. Felix Gaeta. I'm excessively fond of Baltar, as well, and I pretty much despised him at first.
3. er, I don't know how much other people love or do not love. I never much liked Col. Tigh. I never liked Zarek.
4. Baltar? *g*
5. Lee Adama
6. I would have said Anders, but with the latest development, I think I will wait on that. Lt. Gaeta, then, if I weren't suspicious that he might be gay.
7. I would saw Laura Roslin, but I'm not sure I want to be like anyone on BSG. They're all fucking scary, yo.
8. Lee Adama.
9. Adama/Roslin
10. Just about any other pairing, although despise is still too strong a word.

Pirates of the Caribbean:

Oh. YAY. Happy fandom. :D

1. Unquestionably, Captain Jack Sparrow.
2. William Turner
3. Ana Maria -- I like her though. Just not love like most people.
4. Elizabeth Swann (Turner). Not everyone hates her, but it sure seems like it sometimes.
5. No one.
6. :D Capt. Jack Sparrow. After a good washing, though.
7. Aww. I don't need to be like any of them.
8. Becket! Sparrow gets slapped a plenty. heh.
9. Oh gosh. Any combination of four, really, but my heart still loves Jack/Elizabeth and Jack/Norrington.
10. After the first movie, I didn't much like the thought of Barbossa paired with anyone. But he kinda grew on me by the third movie. So, I guess, none?

Friday Night Lights:


1. Coach Taylor
2. Tyra Collette
3. I only don't love Buddy Garrity and Tim's asshole of a father, and I don't expect anyone to love either of them.
4. I like Lyla. I suspect maybe others don't, but I could be wrong about that.
5. is it possible to hate any of the characters on this show?? Aside from the obvious Buddys of the world, anyway?
6. Considering most of the characters on this show are in high school, I'm going to prudently pass on this questions. However, give Tim Riggins a few years and come ask me again.
7. Tami. Hands down.
8. Perhaps Tyra's mom, because it hurts when she actively blocks Tyra from bettering herself.
9. Jason/Tim. Tim/Landry.
10 I don't think this fandom lends itself to wild and improbable pairings.


1. Jack Bauer
2. Oh, so many could fill this: George Mason, Ryan Chappelle, Tom Lennox.
3. Edgar
4. Kim Bauer, maybe. Marylin wasn't too well received, either.
5. I can't think of anyone, except for maybe Nina, but I was spoiled for her, so not sure that's accurate.
6. :D I just don't think that's wise.
7. Michelle Dessler
8. Oh, so many. LOL. 'Course, most of them are dead...
9. Jack/Tony
10. er, there's very little fanfic. Not enough for me to denigrate anyone writing it, even if it's Tony/Kim.


1. I think I was predisposed to love Paul and Alva sight unseen. I'm not sure which one I loved first.
2. Evy
3. Er, who's not to love? Plenty to be scared of, though.
4. Again, who's not to love?
5. *taps fingers*
6. I'd be hard pressed to turn either Paul or Alva down.
7. Evy
8. Oh, Alva, but slap gently, to be sure. Maybe on the behind. heh.
9. Paul/Alva.
10. Eh?

Harry Potter:

1. Sirius Black, but I did love Harry from the get go.
2. Hm, book 7 went a long way to making Snape much more fascinating. I think I might even say I like him.
3. Draco Malfoy
4. Hopefully not many hate Ron (the thought!), but I get the distinct impression he's often no one's choice. I could just be uber sensitive.
5. Oh, if possible, I love everyone *more* than I did before.
6. Again, not terribly wise, and very few options. Anyone I would choose, like Lupin or Sirius, are too tragic to think about.
7. Tonks, if I could change the ending. Otherwise, Hermione. *g*
8. I'd say Malfoy, but that's already been handled. *g*
9. I like the pairings as they are in canon before anything else. Outside of that, the mishmosh of pairings in the fandom is overwhelming. Considering so many of the stories in HP were written before the whole of the canon was known, it's a lot like reading AUs, and AUs allow for wildly improbable pairings. But that's a post for a bear with much more brain than me.
10. There are so many pairings that do not work for me, but really the only ones I find sincerely nauseating involve the evil characters.

Ocean's 11:

Yay. Happy caper fandom.

1. Danny Ocean, followed a split second later by Rusty Ryan.
2. Linus
3. Oh, who's not to love. Really.
4. I suppose Tess. Even though I'm hard pressed to want her around *g*, I hate it when stories have her be so weirdly bitchy and cruel.
5. Impossible.
6. Oh. Rusty.
7. No one. I would never want to be one of the male characters, and none of the female characters appeal.
8. It's not a slapping type fandom.
9. Danny/Rusty.
10. Either Danny/Linus or Rusty/Linus. Can't quite get my head around either Danny or Rusty with anyone other than each other, or their wives/girlfriends. *g*

st:voy, potc, fnl, austen, st:ds9, harry potter, st:ent, 24, st:tos, memes, miracles, ocean's 11

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