I have come to terms with the fact that the story I'm writing is not 50,000 words. It's probably more like 120,000. This simply will not happen in November. So I'm not going to call it "finishing" when I get to 50k, just "winning."
I'm having more fun now, though (*knock on wood!*) I finally think like it's going somewhere. I was stuck in set-up phase for EVER. Though I might just feel like that because I'm finally on to the parts that I wanted to write. There's still not a lot of plot going on! But plot is not the fun part so I don't much care.
Matt Smith is going to be on Craig Ferguson's show tonight. Pretty sure that this is EXTREMELY RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS. Unfortunately, so is sleep - and Craig is on at midnight (or else I'd watch him every night, instead of randomly bingeing on clips on youtube.)
This, friends, is why I love my DVR. I love Craig and Matt but I'm not going to stay up till 1 AM, sorry. Though the idea of taking a sick day tomorrow is appealing, I'll admit - I could get so much more writing done! But we're already so horrifically understaffed, partially due to other people taking sick days (which, in the case of one particular person, are most likely bogus). So I will press the magic button on my TV remote, and watch it tomorrow!
I'm not sure 1667 is going to happen tonight - got to about 1500 and it's late, so brain is starting to fail me - but I'm still on track to finish before Thanksgiving. Hooray!
Edit - jk about that last part - I was actually only about 62 words shy, and that was easy enough. YAY. (The widget isn't always up to date but as I'm typing this I'm at 35,814.)