Married in Haste 2

Oct 06, 2013 16:27

Hyukjae wouldn't have stirred from his sleep if not for the pain that was beginning to throb on his neck. He was having a nice sleep, oddly comfortable and warm, probably the best sleep that ever had while on a flight.

Refusing to open his eyes in fear of losing that euphoric sleepy feeling, he tried angling his head to the other side but he could not, there was something preventing him from doing so.

He tried moving once again, but to no avail.

He hated thinking when he's sleepy, but the need to adjust was so dire, he began analyzing things in his sleepy state. The first fact that wrapped around his blurred out thoughts was that he was on the plane. Second, he's seated on the window seat and the window was supposed to be on his right and he's leaning on his left. Third, seated on his left was Lee Donghae.




The world seemed to freeze and the last phrase repeated itself over and over for about 10 times before it fully sunk into his sleep drugged brain.

Lee Donghae was seated right next to him.

Finally able to process the fact, Hyukjae was beyond rattled! His seeped out of his system quick and his senses began gnawing at him at amplified awareness, and as if that wasn't enough for him to freak out, his head was quick to paint him a picture depicting his current 'compromising' position.

An antsy feeling overrode his emotions in a rather short span of time, He swallowed hard, trying hard not to let panic get to him, but his body was reacting very quickly. Heat spread through his face and his muscles tensed beyond control.

He was sure as hell that his face was pressed against Donghae's chest. He could smell that clean musky scent of the other's cologne , he could feel the steady rhythm of the other's heartbeat on his cheek and he’s quite sure that it was the thumping of the other’s heart that he can hear.

He was in a state of internal debate--- whether to he should move or not, whether heshould open his eyes or to just pretend that he's asleep.

'But leaning on to him like this feels really, really nice.. He smells so good and he feels so warm and cozy--- "

Oh God. He did not just think like that. This is Donghae he's referring to--- they may be on a truce , but those kind of thoughts are still unacceptable!!

He felt Donghae move a little, and it reminded him of his current and more pressing problem. He gulped and prayed silently for the other to turn and provide him some space but the exact opposite happened instead.

Donghae's face sunk deeper into Hyukjae's hair he was so sure of it because he could now feel the former's warm breath caressing his scalp!

The little amount of composure that Hyukjae's been trying to hold on to, almost got blown away, he's was hanging on the last thread of calmness when he realized that Donghae was snoring softly.

Summoning some placidity in his jittery system, Hyukjae remained immobile, blindly sensing if the other would show any signs of being awake.

Every second of the wait dragged, after about two agonizingly slow minutes that Donghae didn't budge from his slumber, Hyukjae ever so carefully tried to put some distance between the two of them.

He was a few good centimeters away from his original position when a low grumble vibrated off Donghae's throat. The said unconscious reaction almost got his stomach twisted in a knot, afraid that he might have just woken the other up.. But lady luck showed some mercy on him. The other merely shifted his head to the other side, saving him from the effort of having to work every painful inch away from the man.

Hyukjae sighed in relief... But in the teeny corner of his mind was a little voice whining at the loss of contact--- one which he immediately dismissed.

The erratic beating of his chest was already seeking some calmness, but his body was hardly feeling relaxed, he felt weakening of his limbs as if he just finished running a full course marathon.

'I'm going to make sure I won't have to sit next to him next time. He's a walking danger zone' Hyukjae scribbled mentally. He averted his eyes outside the window and forced himself to enjoy the abundance of blues and whites of the clouds in the elevated viewy.

He wasn't able to last long though. Only a few minutes after that, he had been tempted to throw a look at his sleeping seatmate. When he did, he began giggling quietly to himself. Why not? Donghae's sleeping pose looked so amusing. He has his mouth open and Hyukjae would bet that he'd start drooling after a few minutes.

He stared some more and before he knew what he was doing, he already snapped a couple of pictures. He might thought it would be useful if ever there'd be a time that he would have to blackmail the other.

Hyukjae was still in the process of taking pictures when Donghae changed his stance to a less amusing one. Hyukjae stopped snapping photos and decided to review the ones he had taken.

He viewed and snickered at each of the funny photos that he took, at thw back of his head he thinks that having those would come in quite handy if ever there would be a time that he needs to blackmail Donghae.

The amused smile on his lips disappeared as he reached the last of his stolen pictures. Donghae no longer looked funny, he looked like some model who intentionally did a sleeping pose for some magazine. He was that handsome.

He briefly glance at the still sleeping guy and saw that he was still in the same stance.

He hated how he looked even better in person that it made him think that the picture didn't do Donghae any justice.

'oh sheesh, why am i even bothering? So what of he's handsome? It's not as if he's the only handsome guy out there!' He scolded himself, his thumb reached out for the delete button but when he was confirmation that he wants to delete the photo appeared, he ended up hitting the cancel option.

'not a big deal, okay? what's so wrong in wanting to keep a handsome guy's picture? Nothing, it doesn't mean a thing.'

He justified his decision before shoving his cellphone back to his pocket.

He pulled out the book he stuffed in to his hand carry bag but closed it after a couple of minutes, he was just staring at the letters and nothing was sinking into his brain.

He wanted to go to the bathroom but Donghae's not so long legs were stretched and Hyukjae's sure he cannot go pass without waking the other up, and that's the last thing that he wants.

The flight attendant came and offered him a complementary drink, and he chose a can of soda since they didn't have strawberry milk. He quickly opened and drank from the can.

"Sir, would you know what your boyfriend would want to have?" The sudden question made Hyukjae choke and let him coughing wildly.

His coughing spree awakened Donghas from his sleep and the other reflexively pat him on the back as he continued to cough his throat and lungs out.

"Sir, are you alright?" the attendant asked apologetically.

"what happened?" Donghae asked to no one in particular.

"I think your boyfriend choked on his soda, sir" the flight attendant supplied thoughtfully.

Hyukjae suddenly want to strangle the flight stewardess. He pushed Donghae's hand away and glared at the attendant.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Hyukjae said indignantly after recovering his composure.

The flight attendant's face reddened in embarrassment.

"Oh.. i'm sorry sir! i just really thought he's you boyfriend because you were taking pictures of him earlier! My apologies, sirs! please excuse me!" The stewardess quickly pushed the food cart and was out of sight in a few seconds and Hyukjae was cursing so much inside his head.

The stupid lady just told Donghae what he had done and now he’s under curious gaze of Donghae. Hyukjae wish that the window on his side would open and just take him out of the airplane.

“You looked really funny earlier with your mouth open and you even had some drool on the side of your lips, DON’T YOU THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE DONGHAE, DON’T YOU DARE!” Hyukjae rambled on defensively.


Donghae was beyond flattered when he learned from the flight attendant that Hyukjae took pictures of him and on a normal day, he’d probably be teasing Hyukjae to no end right now, but Kyuhyun’s words at the airport resonated in his head.

“Just cut back a little on the douche act, okay?”

Hyukjae’s little defensive rant didn’t help in keeping a straight face either, he looked so flustered and his lips were so pouty as if calling in for a kiss.

“I’m not thinking of anything, alright? Kyuhyun always tells me how ugly I look when I’m sleeping, glad you found it funny though..”

Hyukjae looked at him with dubiously, and he can guess why. His reaction was so not him.

“Are you okay now? If yes, I’m going back to sleep, I’m still sleepy..”

“Yeah, I’m fine now, but can you not stretch your short legs, I need to pass.”

“Lee Hyukjae, don’t insult my legs, our heights aren’t that different, plus my lack of height is well compensated in other departments” Donghae answered back with his eyes closed.

“Pervert” Hyukjae mumbled but his eyes were like magnetized to the body part that Donghae implied. He gulped. It seems like the other wasn’t lying.

Donghae peeked through his lashes as he heard Hyukjae muttered a low “pervert” referring to him, and much to his amusement, Hyukjae was checking him out.

“Yah! I meant my brain, I think I’ve proven that when we were in college.. but, it applies there too, just in case you’d want to know..”

Hyukjae grunted in disgust and stood up from his seat, just as he was leaving, he intentionally stepped hard on Donghae’s foot.

“Ouch! What the---“ Donghae’s eyes shot open but Hyukjae was already ahead by a few steps but the other was childish enough to look back and stick his tongue out at Donghae.

Donghae sighed as Hyukjae disappeared in sight, then he smiled. It he prefers this treatment over the cold one. He’s got one week to make Hyukjae fall for him and if he does, he’s not going to let him out of his grasp again, ever.


Hyukjae let out a frustrated grunt upon entering the restroom. It’s just a matter of hours and Donghae’s effect on his is already too strong. He fixed himself and got out of the restroom but instead of going back to his seat, he went to Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s seat.

“Yah, Cho Kyuhyun. Let’s exchange seats.”

“What? No way..” Kyuhyun shook his head furiously in disagreement.

Hyukjae budged his eyes at the younger male.

“Let’s exchange seats! I don’t want to seat beside Donghae anymore!” Hyukjae began pushing Kyuhyun out of his seat but the latter hugged Sungmin.

The scenario continued until one of the flight attendants came over to them and told them to quiet down because the other passengers are already sleeping.

When Hyukjae realized that he’ll never be able to convince Kyuhyun, he marched back to his seat and found Donghae busy staring down at his ipad.

“Tch. Can’t you even wait until you’re inside a hotel room before you open up those perverted stuff?” Hyukjae plopped down his seat with his face all scrunched up. For some reason, finding Donghae ogling at almost naked women made his blood boil.

Donghae gave him a look and raised a brow at him.

“This is remotely perverted and FYI Hyuk, this is business stuff I’m working on”

“Psh.” Hyukjae snorted. “Wait, don’t call me Hyuk. We’re on ceasefire but that nickname is only for the use of my friends and loved ones”

Donghae rolled his eyes.

“Okay, Lee Hyukjae-sshi”

Just so you wait, Hyukkie…

The rest of the flight continued without Donghae and Hyukjae exchanging another word and whether he’d admit it or not, Hyukjae hated it.

It was mid-day when they reached their hotel and to Hyukjae’s surprise, his guess that there would be something silly like forcing him to share a room with Donghae didn’t come about. He supposed that there were just no other plane seats available and mentally forgave Sungmin and Kyuhyun.

Surely, none of them were aware just what fate had in store for them. Especially Lee Hyukjae.

fanfics - married in haste

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