Married In Haste Chapter 1

Oct 02, 2013 22:33

Hyukjae eyed Sungmin incredulously when the other burst into an uncharacteristic fit of giggles for the nth time that night.

He wouldn’t have found it weird if they were actually watching something funny, but they aren’t, they’re watching something sad.

“Are you high or something?!” Hyukjae finally asked his bestfriend slash stepbrother; not that he actually thinks that the other is doing drugs, he just find his actions too darn weird.

Sungmin tilted his head a bit and looked at him with a shadow of smirk as if assessing if he deserves to get a good answer or not.

“Guess…” The slightly older of the two winked at Hyukjae who pouted.

“I hate guessing games! You know that!” he replied accompanied with the crossing of his arms across his chest.

Sungmin rolled his eyes at the blonde.

“Lee Hyukjae, you’re such a rotten baby… come on. Play along” Sungmin wriggled to position his body sideways so he’s finally facing the younger.

It was Hyukjae’s turn to roll his eyes at Sungmin. Then he inspected the other very carefully.

“Uh… no, can’t possibly be the sex.. You’ve been having tons of those since you started dating” Hyukjae said after a while with the intention of taunting the other.

He didn’t succeed though as Sungmin remained unfazed by his remark. “Funny, Lee Hyukjae.. you can guess again and yes, we do have a very HEALTHY sex life, It’s much better than yourself imposed drought”

Hyukjae’s lips quivered, he should have known that any sex related stuff will be shot right back at him.

“It’s not a necessity I cannot live without…”

“No, but it’s like pringles---once you pop, you can’t stop!” Sungmin chuckled teasingly to Hyukjae’s disgust.

“Ewwwww. Goodness, Minnie..”

“What?! It’s true though. It’s THAT GOOD.”

“Enough of the sex talk.. just tell me, why do you have THAT stupid grin in your face?!”

“You started it. Okay, fine. You’re reallllllly boring these days Lee Hyukjae..”

“Yeah, boring, dry and what not. Now what’s it?”

Sungmin hissed a little before lifting his hand in front of the younger.

“Okay, your hand..”

“Yeah, my hand.. so what do you notice?”

“Lee Sungmin get fucking straight to the point!”

“Aigoo, Hyukjae. There’s a FREAKING RING! Can’t you see?” Sungmin replied exasperatedly.

Hyukjae face palmed because he really couldn’t get what the other’s been trying to say.

“Sungminnie, pardon me if I am being slow today, but what’s so special about that ring? I mean you have at least 2 dozen rings, and that’s definitely not the most eye catching of them all.”

Sungmin looked offended for a while.

“You’ve got to be thankful I’m very happy right now or else, I’ll be kicking your flat ass all the way out” Sungmin pouted. “Inspect it closely, and for goodness sake Hyukjae. Trivial things like this should be easy for you!”

Hyukjae clicked his tongue and grabbed Sungmin’s hand to inspect the ring.

Then his eyes widened, he gave the other an inquisitive look.

“Is this????”

“YES. Finally!” Sungmin’s face brightened.

“Oh… I-I’m so happy for you Sungmin!”

Hyukjae smiled at the other… He knows how much Sungmin wanted this and he’s really happy for him.. but somehow a feeling of emptiness knocked on his chest.

Sensing his silence, Sungmin tapped his cheek.

“Hyuk.. you okay?”

“Yeah! I was just a bit surprised! I mean all along we thought that this was the farthest thing on Kyuhyun’s mind and then…” He laughed a little. He shouldn’t be ruining the moment for his brother.

“I know.. I really wasn’t expecting this when he told me.. but I’m so happy. He was soooo romantic!” Sungmin blabbered on excitedly and Hyukjae listened as the other narrated how the proposal came about.

“I never thought that brat had a romantic bone in him… so, do you have a date already?”

“Yes. This weekend”

“What?! What’s with the hurry?”

“Why should we delay?” Sungmin questioned back. “If you’re worried about the living set up… We haven’t discussed about that yet.. we just really want to make everything formal.. and since we’re talking about that already… I want you to fly with us to vegas, you know we need a witness for the wedding, someone to celebrate it with us and since you’re the person dearest to me..I thought.. will you?”

Hyukjae’s eyes heated up feeling touched.

“You’re so silly, Sungmin.. Of course. I’d be glad to..”

They ended up hugging like highschool girls, but who cares.

What Hyukjae didn’t know is that the other was planning something else for him.


“It’s beyond me why I keep on betting when I know I’m never gonna win against you..” Donghae sighed referring to the game they’ve just finished.

“Heh, I don’t know.” Kyuhyun smirked.

Donghae shrugged and was about to pull his wallet from the backside pocket of his jeans when Kyuhyun asked him something.

“Are you free this weekend?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I’m getting married in Vegas this weekend.. How about paying for the wedding dinner instead?”

Donghae looked up to see if the younger was joking but from the uncharacteristically soft smile that was grazing the other’s usually smirking face, he figured out that Kyuhyun was being serious.

“Whoa… Sure. Congratulations you brat!”

“Thanks.. you should consider getting hitched too. You’re not getting any younger, Donghae hyung”

“I’m contented being single, Kyuhyun”

Kyuhyun did not comment any further but unknown to Donghae, the smirk that was plastered on the other’s lips meant so much more.


“Sungmin, dial it back will you?” Hyukjae said jokingly to the other who was obviously tensed and excited at the same time.

“Sorry, I can’t help it!” Sungmin squealed then laughed a little.

Hyukjae’s smile widened, Sungmin wasn’t a blushing bride but he was definitely glowing with happiness. That was very evident.

“You’ll get tired! Besides, the flight’s gonna be long.. don’t waste energy just yet or else, you’ll be knocked down on your first night..”

Sungmin just giggled in reply to this. It took less than 5 minutes for Kyuhyun to finally pick them up and Hyukjae had to look away from the almost make out scene that happened in front of him.

It was a breeze going to the airport and since it was still early, Hyukjae excused himself from the couple to get himself a much need caffeine fix.


Kyuhyun waved his upon spotting Donghae at the departure area of the airport. The latter threw a grin at the waiting couple before walking towards their direction.

“You’re looking great, Sungminnie”

“Right back at you, how have you been?”

“’been good enough..” Donghae kept his answer short. He wanted to ask Sungmin something else but decided to hold back.

“Good enough breaking little girls’ and boys’ hearts?” Sungmin asked even though he knew from Kyuhyun that Donghae doesn’t really waste his time on such activities.

“Nah..” Donghae chuckled.


Hyukjae eyebrows furrowed while he was on his way back to the couple. They were talking to somebody that seemed familiar but he couldn’t quite decipher who.

As he progressed closer, he heard his step brother ask a question to the guy and the guy gave out a short chuckle in reply.

His back stiffened. He knows that voice too darn well!

Irritation rose at an instant, and right that moment what he wants to do is to walk out from there before he can even catch a glimpse of the guy’s face. That’s how much he abhorred and loathed that person.

That’s how much he hated, Lee Donghae, the asshole, the jerk, and the very person he wishes not to meet anymore.

But he should have known. He should have been smarter, He was Kyuhyun’s fucking bestfriend! How on earth did he forget about that?!

“Hey, Hyuk!” Kyuhyun called him.

Shit! Shit! Hyukjae muttered in his head. He had no choice but to walk back to the couple. He’ll just pretend that Lee Donghae doesn’t exist, he doesn’t have to be affected----- but it proved to be one hard thing to do, because despite the aviator shades that Donghae was wearing, he could feel the other’s stare on his face.

“Got you guys coffee” He handed Kyuhyun the coffee cups and grabbed his luggage.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin exchanged amused glances at Hyukjae’s disregard of Donghae presence.

“Let’s check in.”

“I didn’t know I have the ability to turn invisible. Well, hello Lee Hyukjae.” Donghae said in a voice tinged with annoyance.

Hyukjae didn’t react or respond, completely set on ignoring the other for the rest of this trip. He took out his cellphone from his jeans’ pocket and quickly typed a memo ---- a reminder that he has ask Sungmin an explanation about this.

“Oh, I see. Some people just don’t change.. Stuck ups” Donghae remarked as he walked past Hyukjae.

“And some people just couldn’t accept the fact that the world does not revolve around them. Attention seekers.” Hyukjae shoved back his cellphone to his pockets.

“Hey, you two… can’t you like have a ceasefire just this once?” Sungmin frowned at the two.

“was not the one who started it” Donghae snorted.

“was not the one who made a big fuss over something so little” Hyukjae retorted.

“Bitchy as ever”


“Stop this now or I’ll be handcuffing you two” Kyuhyun threatened, he thought that the two would somewhat be more mature in handling their hatred for each other but seems like he’s wrong. Five years did nothing to lessen the animosity between the two.

Hyukjae did not speak but he side-eyed Kyuhyun and gave Donghae a sharp glare. The latter just smirked back at him and he needed super human effort to not hit Donghae with his sling bag.


Donghae’s smirk immediately faded the moment Hyukjae marched away from them. He was going to give himself an imaginary mental beating when Kyuhyun threw an arm over his shoulder. He looked at the younger guy who had a knowing grin plastered all over his face.

Sungmin who rushed over to follow Hyukjae also gave him a wink.

“What? I don’t think I like what you’re trying to imply..” Donghae tried prying off Kyuhyun’s hand from his shoulder.

“Nah, I’m not trying to imply something, it’s a fact hyung. You’re still smitten by Lee Hyukjae”

“What the fuck? I am not.”

“Wanna bet?”

Donghae has never won any single bet against Kyuhyun.

“You saw how much he hates me.” Donghae said dejectedly.

“Doesn’t mean you can’t try”

“I’ve tried before it turned out to be the biggest failure in history, remember?”

Kyuhyun’s face scrunched up as he remembered. “Yeah, that really turned out bad..” He and Sungmin almost had a fight because of that. “But there’s no rule that says you can’t try again.. seriously, the fact that he’s still single must mean he’s waiting for something… or someone… and it could be you.”

Donghae stared at Kyuhyun for a while before shifting his gaze to where Hyukjae was.

His heart hammered at the possibilities.

“Just cut back a little on the douche act, okay?”


“I am not going to take a seat next to him!” Hyukjae almost breathed fire at Sungmin upon realizing that he was going to have to sit next to Donghae in the plane.

“Lee Hyukjae, will you please?” Sungmin hushed him.

“Lee Sungmin, You know how much I hate him! How can you do this to me?”

“I did not do anything to you except for not telling you, because I know you’ll be like this!” Frustrated, Sungmin crossed his arm. “Okay, I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you he was coming. But would you come if I told you he’d be coming? You’d refuse right? I don’t want that! You’re my brother and my bestfriend --- and he’s almost the same to Kyuhyun… you don’t expect us to fight over this too, do you?”

The deep pout on Hyukjae’s lips didn’t go away, but he was slightly taken aback by Sungmin’s palpable frustration. He was being childish.

“I’m sorry okay? But please just endure… just for this flight..” Sungmin gave him that look that shouldn’t have looked adorable for a man his age.

“I don’t have a choice, do i?”

Sungmin just smiled gratefully at him.

He made his way to his designated spot on the plane and found Donghae already seated comfortably.

“Your feet is blocking the way” Hyukjae said coldly.

Wordlessly, Donghae casually pulled his feet back slightly to give Hyukjae a space to walk through.

Hyukjae wanted to raise a brow at the gentlemanly act which was very unlike Donghae but decided that he shouldn’t really bother paying too much attention to the things that the other does.

He took his seat, trying to maintain as much distance as he can from the other guy. He shut his eye with the intention of sleeping but it was impossible as all of his senses are very much awake from the coffee he drank earlier.

“You couldn’t be asleep already, are you?” Donghae’s voice reached his ear… it was low, and as much he hates to admit, the jerkface’s voice was sexy.

“Mind your own business.” He said, not opening his eyes --- Hyukjae hated how aware he is of the other’s presence. He liked the smell of Donghae’s cologne. Damn it.

“Come on, Hyuk.. we’re old enough… let’s not ruin this for them.. let’s make a truce?”

Hyukjae’s back stiffened upon hearing his nickname from Donghae.. It stirred emotions that he tried burying a long time ago.

His eyes involuntarily opened and he found Donghae gazing down at him, this time without the aviator shades that he was wearing earlier.

Hyukjae felt his as if someone had set fire on his face.

“What truce?”

“Let’s be friends?”

“don’t be too ambitious, Donghae” He managed to say despite the crazy flurry of emotions going on inside him.

Donghae smiled a little, a smile that wasn’t like the ones that can piss the hell out of Hyukjae. It was a sincere smile.

“Right, Let’s be civil then” Donghae then offered his palm to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae stared at the hand for quite a bit before taking it.

“This truce expires as soon as we’re back in Korea”

“Sure” Donghae nodded and smiled at him again, that toothless smile that transformed his face into that of the little boy he once was.

It was a familiar smile and the feeling it gave him was familiar too. Hyukjae felt his heart skip a beat for the first time in years.

Hastily, he pulled his hand out of Donghae’s grip, afraid that the other would feel his racing pulse through his hand.

Hyukjae retrated his gaze and closed his eyes to conceal the sudden embarrassment that he felt.

“So, how have you been?”

“Thought we’re clear that we’re not on friendly terms?” Hyukjae replied. “but for your dissatisfaction, I’m doing well..”

Donghae watched the other’s face with an amused smile. Hyukjae’s pouty lips were quivering adorably that he wants to give it a loud peck.

“Believe it or not, I’m glad to know that you’re doing well.. And sorry for being an ass earlier”

Hyukjae couldn’t help but to open his eyes and give Donghae a scrutinizing stare, trying to find a trace of dishonesty in his face ( because his voice sounded earnest ) but couldn’t find any.

“Sorry for bitching at you earlier as well..”

Dead air prevailed between them after that and Hyukjae did not remember how long it took him before he had fallen asleep.


This is a story I started a while back in DW but I figured that I want to post this here as well. Sooo yup. :)

Don't stone me for starting another one!!! OTL Updates for my on going stories are coming this week! I'll try to update at least two. Okayyy!

This plot was given by ninang [personal profile] touchyfeely_haehyuk over a year ago. keke. I just hope this turns out like how she wants :) Pardon any errors that you might encounter as I don't proofread! kkk.

ANYWAYSSSS YAY!!!! I missed you all! I hope everyone's well! ♥♥♥

Love, love, love


fanfics - married in haste

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