Recs on a Thursday

Dec 09, 2010 13:52

I don't know if you lot are actually using these recs anymore, but I am, so I shall keep at it until I cannae be bothered anymore.


Fourteen Actors Acting by The New York Times -- The Times calls this a video gallery of classic screen types. I won't lie I immediately went here for Jesse Eisenberg doing what I'm pretty sure was Mark's mental reaction when Eduardo froze the bank account (watch his face very closely). What I really fell in love with was Noomi Rapace. Cause I love the fuck out of Noomi Rapace. She is Lisbeth Salander and this abomination that Hollywood is about to thrust upon the world makes me reach for the Maalox. (Also, this has Robert Duvall, Chloe Moretz, Vincent Cassel and some dude named Matt Damon. I'm a fan.)

You can go strangle yourself with that yellow ribbon, or, here is what I want you to do instead of shaking my hand by A. Scout-Sniper -- This is a piece written for Tom Ricks' blog (The Best Defence) by a Marine veteran who served four tours in OIF and OEF, wherein he talks about the draft and the current make-up of an "all-volunteer" military. You don't have to agree with all of it, or most of it, hell you may disagree with everything he says, but I definitely think it's worth reading if only to increase your awareness because this is your war too, and how do you know where you sit if you don't know where you stand?

ETA: There is a Fuck Yeah Ryan Gosling and none of you bitches told me? You're all fired! Except for antheia. Oh, and uh, don't forget the part where Himself actually talks about the FYRG tumblr to MTV. Yeah, bitches. \o/


And I Feel Fine by amazingly_me -- Arthur's having problem with four little words. And no, the words aren't, "Is that suit Dunhill?"

Chibi!Yusuf by pinstripesuit -- Yusuf. Nuff said.

The Delphini Trials by atomicskull -- loobeeinthesky made art for this story and after seeing the art all I could think was, "WTF is happening here?" And then I read the story and was utterly blown away.

One of the things I really appreciate about atomicskull's writing is that it's clear and concise. You know: who, what, where, when, how and why. I appreciate that. I'm not a fan of 10 words when 2 will do. I don't need to read five paragraphs about the sheets or the dry rot in the walls and the limescale in the tea kettle. I believe one line will do. I'm a fan of someone taking a concept and making is so plausible that for a moment you have to stop and think, "Jesus is this where we're headed, or are we already there?" Depending on who you talk to, or what religion you believe you may already be there. (Yes, I was watching The Last Enemy this week, why do you ask?)

Skin Deep by Starlingthefool -- Eames used to be a thief. Now he's on hiatus and running a tattoo shop south of Market (San Fran). Ariadne is his apprentice. Arthur is a client. Modigliani. Magritte. You know if there's art I'm there. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.


But Love Is A Voice On The Wind by Snow -- Mycroft is of the opinion that if he leaves it to Sherlock things will never happen. He's probably right. There's something about Mycroft that I find incredibly enjoyable, so I'm a bit of a sucker for stories where he plays matchmaker. Or when he's just cleaning up after Sherlock's messes. Or when he's just, you know, being Mycroft.

Touchy, Feely by basingstoke -- Some people are very into touching; some people aren't. No matter the circumstances.

A Version of Normal by dark_aegis -- The concept of "normal" has always left me a bit aggrieved and irate, because who is to decide what's normal. Who created this Bell Curve and what gave them the right to set it? Who are you to say what my normal is? Who am I to say what your normal is. Normal's just a word, a concept created to keep people eternally dissatisfied with what they have. It's like Valentine's Day that way -- except it wasn't made by Hallmark.

The Social Network

Pilea involucrata by fledmusic -- I've read a lot of anthropomorphic fic in my day; I think my first anthro story was a love affair between curtains and a sofa. (thefourthvine did you write that?) I digress. Out of all the anthropomorphic fic I've read (and I really did love the PC/Mac wars), this is hands down my favorite. fledmusic took a concept that is utterly insane and should never ever ever work, especially in such a place as The Social Network, and left me gasping on the floor in hysterics. What would happen if Eduardo Savarin turned in a plant? Now with awesome story art by ellegen

And in conclusion: 26 days until Southland *\o/*

Video of the Week

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recs: inception, recs: misc

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