You love me 'cause I shave my balls.

Aug 17, 2008 19:21

Dear Generation Kill,

You are the best thing fucking EVER. Hands down. Seriously. Nate. Ray. Pope. Garza. Walt. Brad. Doc. Rudy. You are the bomb shit. Unfortunately I am not allowed to watch you with other people anymore because I keep shrieking 'Fuckin' A!' and discussing Captain America's castration in glorious detail. Apparently this is disconcerting.


Dear Simon Clellan Jones,

I know some people aren't feeling the episodes you directed ('A Burning Dog' and 'Stay Frosty') but I say FUCK THAT NOISE. I thought 'Burning Dog' was my favorite episode thus far, but 'Stay Frosty' just blew that shit out of the water.

Oh my fucking god, Brad keeps Chef Boyardee as presents for his boys! And Ray eats like a slob! And Brad and Nate bond over real toilets, because Nate knows him that well! And Ray was about to fucking crush Alpha for shooting at Brad! And Brad wanted to be a pilot when he was little! Did you see the look on Nate's face when Brad was running around shirtless? I thought he was going to stroke out! And Nate telling Gunny to put it down! Why has nobody busted Captain America's grape yet? And the talking during the credits with the guys totally talking about how they love each other and fuck society's dictates! Oh MY FUCKING GOD! I will cry real tears when this series is over. This shit needs to go on forever. Um, the series, not the war. Mission Accomplished my ass.


Dear Generation Kill Freaks,

I know you've all read Evan's book, but I cannot recommend Nate's book (One Bullet Away) highly enough. I have GK on my writing table, waiting to be read, but I'm reading Nate's first off of silviakundera's advice that it would give me a better background of where everyone's coming from, and seriously? It's like I just got the key to a fucking cryptogram. I have learned in a whole new language. In the first 80 pages of Nate's book I've figured out more about GK than I ever would by reading GK alone. Also? I know the real Nate Fick is a conservative Republican, but I would totally hit that shit based on this book.


What am I supposed to do now that swimming is over? Oh noes! Where the fuck is the rowing? Why are they doing me like this? Wow. How hot is Guo JingJing?

this is your war too, generation kill

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