1. I wrote my
picsfor1000 fic! Go team me! It's Chuck/Bryce
I'm Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Good and I am v pleased by it.
2. Regarding last night's Gossip Girl, I would just like to request my own Dan. Again. Stat. I make this request every week.
3. After much reticence on my part, I have finally seen some of Life on Mars and my entire response has been: So, how the fuck do I get the rest? Seriously. This shit is hysterical. Are the DVDs out or what?
And while I'm trying to shake down my flist for shit, somebody please tell me how the hell I can get my hands on S1 of
Skins. I have loved
Nicholas Hoult since they tried to kill him with Smarties in About a Boy, and
I said he was going to be hot, but nobody believed me, but I WAS FUCKING RIGHT, and now he's on some series that I can't watch and I have NEEDS. I needs some DVDs!
For the love of Armani, would someone please make us some Tim Gunn icons that say "Rally!" Rally, dammit, rally! Hell, man, after Tim's motivational speech to Christian, my ass was about to rally too. Dunno to where or to do what, but still. I need a Tim to match my Ari.