1) Chuck was adorable last night. He is really growing me. He's Seth v 2.0 - but much more tolerable.
2) Okay, someone I trust implicitly tells me that Gossip Girl is the best thing since sliced bread, and while I am dubious, I understand that Spiers from Band of Brothers is on there in some capacity and I may at least have to view an episode. When's this crack on then?
3) Prior to last night's Heroes I got a text from
serialkarma that said, "Nathan is fucking hot tonight" to which I replied, "That's like saying water is wet."
When is Nathan not hot? Tell me that. Remember that I loved The Beard.
Having said that, I think we all know my general reaction to 2.05 was
Dear Adrian Pasdar:
How are you so hot? All the other boys cry in the face of your hotassery. Last night you stepped up a game that was already at the ceiling. You are now in the atmosphere with your stubble and floppy messy hair and hotassery and that thing with that gun and being good? I love you. My love for you is too profound for netspeak. Just saying.
hackthis p.s. I know you are not a cargo plane, but I don't weigh a lot, I swear!
p.p.s. Where are the Nathan + gun = OTP icons. C'mon, I have needs.
Dear Matt and Mohinder:
Your adoption is revoked.
Having a child is about selflessness; it's right below 'selfish' in the dictionary. Look it up.
No love,
Dear Peter:
A word of advice, you are an amnesiac, not asexual. Losing your memories doesn't mean you lose your sexual preference -- science will back me up here. If you carry around a picture of you and your husband lover brother in tuxedos and you feign indifference because you realize you're batting for the wrong team, pull the other one, it's got bells on it.
As for lurving Caitlin after five days -- me thinks the Petrelli doth protest too much.
No love,
Peter's a GIRL? Wow, that explains a lot.
Dear Paddy Oirish Wot Got Flambed:
Thanks for that, Tim. My ears can stop bleeding now.
Dear Veronica Mars:
I never watched your show, but you don't seem that horrible. I presume you are Bob's daughter, but I am so over the whole petulant thing. For reals. Get a personality, stat.
Dear Monica,
I want to love you. I want to at least admire you. As it stands I don't dislike you, I just don't think I like where your storyline is headed -- I blame the writers for this. I am also wondering how Micah has a new 9th Wonders since Isaac was turned into a serving platter last season.
Dear Heroes,
I don't love you the way I did last season. You are very slow and floundering. You need to trim the fat, kill the Boring Twins, 86 the Oirish crap, get My 2 Dads some parenting lessons and make Cristine Rose a regular. Stat. Having said that though, plz to keep the Nathan & Matt stuff because they are really your only saving grace at this point.
p.s. I am loving Mr. Bennett and Sam the Haitian on their second honeymoon. Plz to show more of that.
Dear Flist:
I am looking for the following songs. Plz to help.
- Garbage 'The World is Not Enough'
- Hall & Oates 'Family Man' & 'Out of Touch'
- Herbert (anything besides 'Something isn't Right')
- Jason Mraz 'The Remedy'
- Kenna 'Make Sure they See My Face' (the LP)
- Ours 'Sometimes'
- Ours 'Leaves'
- R.E.M. 'Losing My Religion'
- R.E.M. 'Daysleeper'
- The Vines 'Get Free'