Harry Potter - Thusly, I Am Reborn (Neville/Theodore, PG-13)

Oct 01, 2007 14:01

Harry Potter
Neville/Theodore, Neville/Luna, Luna/Queenie Greengrass
Rated PG-13. Spoilers for DH. Plus, a toy surprise in the box!

Thusly, I Am Reborn

i. Neville Longbottom doesn't remember anything about Theodore Nott from their school days. At this point in his life, however, Neville doesn't remember much about Hogwarts apart from wars, dead bodies, the Room of Requirements and Dumbledore's Army. For some strange reason, it's always easier for the brain to remember the bad things than the good.

ii. This is not strictly true. Neville has vague memories of shiny black hair and preternaturally high cheekbones. He also remembers a long green and silver scarf and critical eyes that seemed to sweep over him in the same manner you would sweep dirt under a rug. He prefers not to remember these things.

iii. And then there was the war.

Neville doesn't really have to think or say much about that, because it was a war, and wars change things. They change people. People are apt to change on their own, but war is the sort of external influence under which people are apt to change much more severely. War is do or die.

Neville didn't want to die, so he 'did' -- and if a part of him died, it was still better than losing the whole thing.

iv. In Neville's seventh year at Hogwarts, he was a virgin. He had kissed girls before -- Ginny Weasley had been his first -- but he had never had a girlfriend. Of course, during his seventh year Neville was also fighting for his life and his family and his friends, so if he was too busy staying alive to think about things like where girl bits went and where his bits went, could he really be blamed?

v. After the war, things were a little different. Life changes a bit when you go from being 'That One Guy Who Maybe Might be Noticed' to Neville Longbottom, member of Order of the Phoenix. Things are a lot different when you receive an Order of Merlin, First Class and your picture is all over The Daily Prophet for the better part of a year.

vi. Fame is not for everyone. It was not for Neville. At first, Neville didn't quite understand all of his new found attention. Girls fluttered their eyelashes at him when he Floo'd to the Ministry of Magic for lunch with Hermione and boys stood too close at The Three Broomsticks. There were implied invitations and not-so-implied invitations. Neville didn't really have any idea what to do with either of them, so he stuck with what he did know: plants and his mates and drinks with Luna and Ron and Seamus Finnegan on Wednesday evenings.

vii. On his twentieth birthday, Neville Longbottom lost his virginity to Luna Lovegood, and when he says he 'lost it' he means he 'lost it'. One minute he was stumbling home to his flat in Chalk Farm with Luna on his arm, because he always seemed to get drunk before she did; the next minute, he woke up naked, with Luna sleeping next to him and the certain idea that something important had occurred the night before and he'd missed it.

viii. Neville never told Luna he doesn't remember any of this. There are some things you just don't tell your best mate. Male or female.

ix. Neville and Luna never really dated, they just sort of were. It was comforting not to have to worry about boys and girls or men and women or who you were taking to this wedding or that party or anything along those lines. As for the sex, well, Neville would talk about it, but there wasn't really anything to talk about. Neville was opening his own store, and Luna was being Luna, and who really needed to think about sex when most of the time they couldn't sleep through the night anyway?

x. On Neville's twenty-fourth birthday, he had drinks at the opening of the One-Eyed Witch, an establishment opened by Hannah Abbott and Queenie Greengrass as an ode to inter-house co-operation and the spirit of moving past Past Events. Neville went for the free alcohol and because everyone else was going; Luna didn't really give him an option.

xi. The first time Neville really remembers seeing Theodore Nott was that opening night at the pub. Theodore was in the middle of a row with Blaise Zabini over who knows what. Neville doesn't remember the row being loud, he doesn't remember anyone else watching, he just remembers the exasperated look on Zabini's face and the way Theodore Nott turned away and his eyes landed on Neville. Neville had never seen anyone with one green eye and one blue eye before; he thought they'd been different before the war, but it was none of his business.

xii. On the way home, Luna seemed much more subdued than usual. When they got to Neville's flat, Luna refused to come inside. "The Year of the Ox has arrived," she said with a smile on her face.

Neville was more than used to Luna's cryptic nature and patted her cheek indulgently. "I thought the Chinese New Year was in February," he said patiently. "It's June."

Luna shook her head. "You're a Monkey," she said, standing in her toes to kiss Neville on the cheek, "and this is your year. The rest is coming."

Neville was taken aback when Luna apparated away with a SNAP!

xiii. Two days after Luna dumped him, Theodore Nott came into Neville's store, Plantegonia. Neville was so surprised that he almost lost his arm to a Venomous Tentacula. He had to prise his arm free of suckers and teeth before asking, "Can I help you?"

Nott gestured to the blood and swelling beginning to take hold of Neville's forearm. "I think, perhaps, you're the one who needs some assistance."

Neville wiped away the blood perfunctorily and cast a regenerative spell over the pustules the venom was starting to raise. "I think I can take care of myself just fine, Mr. Nott," he said amiably. "I never would have made it this far otherwise."

Nott blinked and his eyes narrowed as though he were reassessing Neville. "I think I may have to reconsider you, Mr Longbottom," he replied.

It was Neville's turn to smile as he leaned against the workbench and crossed his arms. "Take your time."

xiv. It took Theodore four days to ask Neville out. It took Neville four weeks to agree. When he went to ask Luna her thoughts about his sudden change in gender preference and how to give a blow job without ending up flossing with pubic hair, she just laughed. "Neville, you prefer people, not their gender. Just as I prefer Queenie sexually at the moment. It's nothing personal, just a preference."

The Prophet may have considered Neville a suave war hero, but he could still flush and stammer with the best of them. "You're sleeping with Queenie Greengrass? How long has this been going on?"

Neville could actually see the gears turning in Luna's head while she thought about it. "Since the first of April 2000."

"You've been sleeping with Queenie for four years, and you never bothered to mention it to me while we were dating?" Neville didn't know whether to be aghast or impressed.

"Neville," Luna patted his arm, "we were never dating, I was just keeping you company while Venus gave you courage to be yourself. Now I don't mean to rush you, but Queenie is coming over, and I have to set up the swing."

Neville apparated home and promptly Oblivated himself from the last twenty minutes.

xv. The first time Neville met Blaise Zabini, one of them ended up flying out a kitchen window by the seat of his trousers. This led to a set of furious rows and Trevor the Fifth hiding under the sofa. At one point, Zabini said that if Theodore hadn't been a solicitor, Zabini would have sued Neville for everything he had. Except Neville had Theodore.

Neville stuck his wand in Zabini's face and ordered him out of their house -- even if, technically, it belonged to Theodore.

xvi. On Theodore's twenty-seventh birthday, he and Neville held a commitment ceremony at Nott Manor in Surrey. Among the sedated, immobilized and under threat of the Jelly-Leg Hex were: Augusta Longbottom, Harry and Ginerva Potter, Hermione and Ronald Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, Luna and Queenie Lovegood-Greengrass, Blaise Zabini and a photograph of Neville's parents.

Alexandria Nott, Theodore's younger sister was his best man. Luna stood by Neville's side, counted the petals of the daisies Neville had picked for her and talked about planting seeds.

xvii. Three months later, for Neville's twenty-seventh birthday, he asked Theodore if they could get pregnant. It was a rather long and involved conversation. For all of wizarding-kind's advancements, they had yet to create a manner in which to conceive a baby without an incubator of some stripe. Their original surrogate choice was Alexandria, but she chose that time to become impregnated by Blaise, which led to another set of furious rows -- and so it was thus that Luna Lovegood became the surrogate of Neville and Theodore's baby.

xviii. Theodore had always assumed Luna was rather vapid and pliable -- regardless of her Ravenclaw heritage -- which was one of his (many) objections to Luna carrying their child. He obviously did not count on pregnancy hormones making her into a Slytherin. Even Neville was slightly taken aback by Luna's ability to fling whole sets of crockery out the window without a wand, and he was already Committed to a Slytherin.

xix. There were some things, however, that the wizarding world was good at, and while Neville and Theodore had discussed parenting a girl, after some consideration they realised that neither one of them was equipped to deal with a female in the house. Dealing with Luna during her pregnancy was more than enough feminine hormones for anyone's lifetime -- so a boy it was.

xx. Algernon Longbottom Nott was born on the 29th of January in the Year of the Ox, and he changed Neville's outlook forever. After a lifetime of war and death and uncertainty and being alone, Neville now had a partner and a son. Neville had spent most of his life just doing what had to be done; he kept his head down and got on with it, but now everything made sense. Finally.

A real hero wasn't flash and showy powers; it was the person who made you feel like you could start all over again. Like the past was nothing and the future was everything.

Neville didn't need to be a hero, or to have a hero, he just needed his family.

Theodore and Algie Nott


Happy dammit, that's what I'm all about right now. I don't give a shit how I make it happen either I tell you. As always the role of Theodore Nott has been played by Cillian Murphy and currently the role of Neville Longbottom is being played by Gary Lightbody, but, uh, Matthew Lewis is coming up nicely. Maybe in a few years, he can play himself.

neville longbottom, harry potter, neville/theodore

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