Do something good.

Oct 01, 2007 11:35

a) Gacked from everyone and their mum: LJ teams up with to give to charity. You send a request for a $30 gift certificate and when you receive it back you can donate it to any charity you choose untder the Donors Choose umbrella. You all know how I feel about giving to charity -- the only thing that makes me happier is naked Adrian Pasdar.

b) So. I continue my consumption of Torchwood, replete with technical difficulties (I'm only at 1.04, which I hope to have rectified soon), but um -- I have no idea what I was going to say because all I can think is CAPTAIN JACK! Fuck me is that a hot man. Also, I highly doubt I'm spoiling anybody anywhere when I say Jack + Ianto = Ohhhhhhhhkay, so we're a little fucked up here. Damn. Pretty though.


d) I recalled the other day that last year GQ wrote an article comparing Friday Night Lights and Heroes, where they said Heroes is the way that the US wants to view itself -- as superheroes saving everyone else -- while FNL is what the US really is: depressed, recessed and in general just fucked. I really liked that article. Compared to this year though if Heroes is the state of the USit's more like the US needs to be in rehab, a permanent script for Prozac and about a million gay adoptions to get itself straight. Just a thought.

e) Everybody plz to read sparky77 Nightmares in Pretty Boxes, which is Mohinder and Nathan and Peter and all kinds of fucked up awesome shit, and then read Four Months, Four Holidays by heidi8, which is Petrelli-centric and all I'm going to say about the matter. Both contain spoilers for 2.01. Just saying.

recs: heroes

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