Mar 04, 2010 04:10
...thanks Mom?
So the other day, my mother and I were playing her favorite game (i.e., "What Will My Eldest Daughter Do With Her Life?!"--for the record, I fucking HATE this game), and she informed me that I was like Ross, from Friends, except female. To which I was (and to a degree still am) offended, because I've seen that show, and I know how much of a hopeless social retard Ross is, and I'm not nearly that severe. And then she started to qualify herself (good call, Mom), and I saw her point. She says I'm more of an intellectual (which I'm uncomfortable agreeing with because I don't see myself as a true intellectual, whatever that means, just some hack who can fake being an intellectual halfway decently), and that teaching at the college level seems like it would be a better fit for me. And I will admit that I had considered it once, because man, just think of the resources you have access to as a professor! Er, anyway, so when I mentioned I had thought about going to Grad School for a History MA, she was all for it.
How's that for mindfuck?
And I know History's just another one of those "useless, throwaway" degrees that falls under the umbrella of Liberal Studies, but I've made peace with the fact that by and large, I'm good at those useless throwaway degrees. They're where I'm happiest, and, if nothing else, I may someday be the most well-read hobo in Miami. So, that's something to look forward to...sort of?
Anyway, so yeah. And credit goes where credit's due: Shels was the first person to really feed this idea, about a month or so back, if not more. I had toyed with it a few times after graduating, but I wanted to make some use of my English degree (and we saw how well that went, didn't we?), so I never really thought about it seriously. And honestly, as much as I adore English, History has always held my heart--it's my own sordid academic love affair, lol.
So, yeah. Grad School. I missed the deadline to apply by a lot, so I won't be able to start this Fall, and they only do Fall Admissions because life isn't fair. So, I'll be applying for next fall, and hoping I get in on my writing merit, because my GPA's not quite up to scratch. And, depending on who's on the Grad Admissions Panel, that might be a deal breaker, which would suck.
I have finally made a decision about my life--I'm Ross.
...too bad that sounds so lame to admit. TT_TT
the fuckery that is my life,