Everything You Never Wanted to Know About My Totally Boring Life, Vol 1

Nov 29, 2008 15:56

 Eh, I won't be mean and make those of you looking for fic-related stuff read through crap you aren't interested in.  I'm feeling very Benevolent Dictator-like today, and so you shall be free to choose what you read.

So.  Anyway.  Updated Small Things on Thanksgiving (though I was a lot later than I had been planning on--like a-minute-before-midnight late, lol), as most of you noticed.  Meant to post a note here to let you all know, but forgot.  Oh well.

I should be able to get CM updated for Christmas.  I'm going to try for 2 chapters, but if the worst comes to pass (because December is looking mighty busy for me), you'll still be getting 1 chapter, at least.

Also: got my hair cut Friday.  And when I say "cut," I mean cut; I will be doing a picture post soon (probably tomorrow), and you'll get to see it then (there will be a before and after provided, because the change is rather...noticeable, shall we say).

My Baby Gator and my step sister were in town for Thanksgiving, which was nice.  Baby Gator got a haircut on Friday too, and she looks fuckin' cute as shit with it.  Both of them left today; Baby Gator drove back up, in a Cuban Caravan with her boyfriend and his cousin (UF and FSU are playing against each other today, and they're going to watch the game at Brother's apartment; his cousin is UF alumni, lol), and my step sister flew back up to Atlanta.  They both left early as shit, though I only saw Baby Gator before she left, and only because she came into my room to say bye.

And we (Baby Gator, my step sister and I ) went to the mall on Black Friday, because you think it's a good idea to do things like that when you've slept for three hours, apparently.  It wasn't too bad, though: we went at like 7.30, so the worst of the madness was over by then.  I bought another t-shirt (because I don't have enough already, lol), and the owl necklace I bought for Z (speaking of Z and necklaces, she gave me a little Irish harp necklace she bought in Ireland when she and her boyfriend went this summer, because she didn't like it nearly as much as the Celtic cross she bought at the same time and thought I'd appreciate it more than she would), and a Chinese Buddha from one of the little stalls in the middle (because it's been a while since I fed my Buddha obsession).  Was also eying the jewelry at Piercing Pagoda because I'm starting to get the itch for a new hole in one of my ears (the right one, I'm thinking).  I think I'm gonna hold off, though, until I manage to land a job, just to be on the safe side.

We got our tree today.  Currently, it is sitting rather crookedly in its stand, courtesy of our (ie, my mom and I) attempts to get it up without my stepdad or grandpa's help, since the former left soon after we got home with the tree and the latter had left about an hour prior to us going out for the tree.  It's a great tree, too: all bushy and full and pretty.  First one I saw that I liked the look of, too, which like, hardly ever happens.  Then again, we went early this year, so there were a lot of nice trees still.  Me for the win.

Also: I finally have a fucking laptop!  My mom got it for me as my birthday/graduation gift, and I am stoked, and boy is it pretty.  Or rather:  "Good God man, it's boss!"  ^_^  I'm not getting it until my birthday, mostly for my mom's benefit, since I know she wants to wrap it up and give it to me proper-like.  Still, though: yay-ness.

I'll be decorating the house for Christmas mostly by myself again this year, though I'll probably have some help from my grandma and grandpa and mom.  Christmas is always more of a pain decoration-wise, because we have SO MUCH SHIT OMGWTF.  But I'm the one that likes having the house all Christmas-y for her birthday, so I'm basically asking for the headache when I insist on doing the decorations right now ima ima ima ima ima! (Did you enjoy that Christie? lol)

And I'm fucking stealing all the extension cords we don't end up using; someone decided it would ba a fantastic idea to put all our extension cords away with our Christmas decorations last year.  Turned out to be not such a great idea when I needed extension cords midyear and then again at Halloween.  -.-

Went to Bonsai for the first time in forever last night with Christie, Michi, Mike, Luis, Jenny and Cesar.  Well, Luis and I were late, so we got to see Jenny and Cesar for about three minutes before they left, but whatever--technicality.  Shels was unable to join us because Gap sucks huge donkey balls.  Other than being Shels-less, the night out was good times.

Also: still mad about those reviews, because they put a damper on my Thanksgiving.  Thanks a lot, asshole, for sending me those reviews literally like a day or two before my favorite holiday.  I really appreciated the gesture.

small things, friends, christmas-y stuffs, yay me, fanfiction, family

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