Nov 24, 2008 22:35
So I'm working tomorrow, which is good news for me but bad news for you guys: I'm not going to have time to finish the next chapter of Captain Mis before Thanksgiving like I'd hoped. So now I'm really glad I started getting my Small Things drabbles ready, because otherwise I would have had nothing for you all.
Sometimes paranoia is handy.
Anyway. So yeah, no Captain Mis this week (or month, for that matter). To make up for it, though, I'm going to try for my first CM double shot in forfuckingever, next month, maybe around my Commencement or my birthday, depending on how far along I get (I'm shooting for my Commencement, just so you know; if it shows up earlier than that, it's totally a fluke). But really, we've been doing this for 2 years now, so you guys know that if it doesn't show up before're gettin' some Captain Mis for Christmas.
I'm also giving you guys fair warning not to expect me to celebrate Saitou's birthday the way I usually do (ie, with a CM chapter, but you guys knew that already), because I'm not going to be in Miami on January 1st, and it's sort of unlikely I'll have access to the Intertubes. In fact, I'm gonna be AFK from December 27th to January 4th or thereabouts.
Now. I'm going to sleep. I have bobos to wrangle tomorrow, and it always helps when you're well-rested for bobo-wrangling.
small things,
epic failure is my middle name,