Apr 27, 2010 13:25
Hey. Look at that--I'm not dead. Or ded, even.
Sorry for the long silence, all: we're in the process of packing up our lifetime accumulation of SHIT, because--OMGWTFBBQ--we're moving very soon. So I've been preoccupied with that, which is cool, because then I think less about how I'm nowhere near where I always planned to be professionally at this point in my life, but sucks because...well, packing sucks.
I'm thinking rather sincerely about becoming a more serious Buddhist and forsaking all worldly possessions. True story.
Anyway, this is just a quick update, with a better one to follow (for those still interested in the minutiae of my life).
-Boston was EPIC. I loved it. In fact, I seriously wouldn't mind moving there. I think I'll save my final decision until I've visited a couple more times, but it was basically love at first sight on my end of things.
-PAX East was fail. There was only one new game I saw that interested me at all (I don't play video games, but I love to look at them; my interest in them is purely artistic), APB, i.e., All Points Bulletin (LOL; of course it would be the one game having to do with law enforcement in any capacity; an aside--this game looks BADASS). Otherwise, we weren't impressed, and we bailed early. We were much more impressed by The Pour House across the street from the hotel the con was in, where we had some of the best burgers and CHOWDAH in Bean Town.
-The Brookline Holiday Inn I stayed at was also fail, in the sense that it ate all but the first line of the very lengthy post I had written up for you all, outlining my fanfic plans once I was back in Miami. That thing is no longer valid, anyway, outside of the the Priority List (I'll get to that in a second). So thanks go to Christie for pointing that out there.
-Speaking of friends, Lu got hired by Pepsi (WOOT!), and he and Shels are moving to Jacksonville (...not as woot). I'm glad they're getting out of Miami, and that they're so close to finally getting out of Florida--long a collective dream of my group of friends--but I know that once the craziness of my impending move settles and goes away, I will miss them. My only consolation is that as soon as they're settled in, I know that I will be getting calls and messages demanding that I visit posthaste. :)
-Christie's own departure is imminent, as well; they're just waiting on the Army to release Max, and then she's off to the "great country" of Texas (Max, I'm making fun of you and Chuck; Texas is still a state, honey, not a country no matter how you Texans may wish otherwise). So that will be: 1 friend in Tennessee (Liz); 1 friend in Texas (Christie); 2 friends in Jacksonville, i.e., South Georgia (Lu and Shels); 1 friend in Alabama (Daddio); and once Annie gets back into the States, 1 friend in Chicago. I have many places I can visit. :D
-Am applying to Grad School for my MA in History; wish me luck?
-Schedule/Priority List:
1) Part Two of Stupid Cupid;
2) Chapter 40 of Capt Mis;
3) Chapter 4 of Ugetsu;
4) Small Things update;
5) Chapter 5 of the long neglected Rooms on Fire, which is not near being done;
6) Chapter 4 of Fraternizing with the Enemy;
7) Domesticated update;
8) anything the pops up in between updates of any of these, because oneshots from left field happen (and that should be on a shirt or a mug or something);
9) Nine, Ten, begin again (with CM, of course)
-I think that's everything that's important, although I've probably missed something.
...I missed you guys. I'd promise to never go so long without a post ever again, but that'd be a lie, so I'll just say I'll work on updating more frequently.
Forgive me?
vacation ramblings,