Aug 01, 2009 17:21

More character profiles for TRAIN MAN (whose title comes from the English translation of "Densha no Otoko"). The story will be written in second person, but do not worry, as I will tell you who you are at the beginning of each chapter.
Genre: Crack-tastic fluffy nonsense that may or may not have smut (I haven't decided).
Summary: Being a part of the "Super" Magazine editing staff had many kinks; Heechul just happened to be one of them. During the Summer Internship, watch the self proclaimed "love-doctor" try to get everyone hooked up with each other simultaneously all with the use of one moving object - The public transport system - while under the watchful eyes of Eeteuk who is trying to make sure said man doesn't harm the "babies".


Eeteuk: Senior Editor of “Super” magazine. Is incharge of hiring staff and choosing the interns. Often clashes with Heechul because of these choices. Is also the PR officer, but don’t let anyone know that. He acts like the mother of all of the staff so that they can meet the deadline.

Heechul: Fashion editor and all round overlord. Takes it upon himself to scare the interns (and hook them up? how does that work?), but really is doing Eeteuk’s job for him (hooking people up is his job?). Or so he says. Likes to take public transport to scope out new fashion and perv on a certain photographer who can’t seem to get his words the right way around.

Hankyung: A student at the local university majoring in photography and media studies. He is a closet reader of the “Junior” report in “Super” and often applies for internship. The first time he meets Heechul, he is rather awkward around the flamboyant man. Second time is when he gets his rejection letter and shows Heechul his pictures. Third time is when he gets his acceptance letter and realizes that he is going to be working for Heechul. Then promptly confuses his words and insults his new boss.

Yesung: Writer of the music review column and a trained secretary (do not laugh, he hates that). His pet turtle lives in the tank next to his desk, but only Ryeowook is daring enough to get close to the turtle. Seems to have an on again off again lover that turns out to be his mother. Is a lover of coffee and makes Ryeowook run around for him all day long.

Kangin: Mail boy who really can’t do much else except possibly fix all equipment that may or may not be broken by Donghae on a daily basis. He was hired because of his relationship with Eeteuk and the fact he is the only one who can keep him calm (and sane) when a deadline is approaching, which makes him a much valued member of the team. He has another actual job as a local mechanic and gets paid to discuss cars in “Super” if there is any need for it.

Shindong: The movie reviewer and food tester. He likes to make up recipes that Ryeowook ends up cooking and making everyone try them. Reason why Ryeowook has to cook: Shindong is hopeless, so he leaves the cooking to the professionals.

Sungmin: An art major at the same university as Hankyung, who has very good designs. He travels by train everyday because his “friend” was in a car accident and Sungmin never got over his slight phobia of driving after that. He likes to play video games when he is bored. Heechul sits behind him on his first train ride and looks at his artwork. He gets Sungmin’s details from his student pass he left on the train and proceeds to ask him to work for “Super” as an art intern. Sungmin is predominantly known for his habit of wearing at least one pink thing every day.

Zhoumi: A very tall Chinese horoscope writer. No one questions his motives and why he does that job. He often makes crazy little horoscopes for the other staff members and leaves it on their desks. He is very close to the game reviewer Kyuhyun, but knows his place is only as a friend. He takes an immediate liking to Sungmin and always leaves the weirdest notes for him. Likes to take on younger interns, still highschool aged. No one asks why, but Yesung often jokes about reporting him to the police.

Eunhyuk: Features writer that either writes very boring long winded articles or comical ones that indeed should not be published. Thankfully Eeteuk always checks the articles and edits them before approving. Eunhyuk only took the train once because his car got impounded, and that was the time he saw Donghae asleep on the train and woke him at their stop. He is best friends with Donghae, but even though he writes articles about love, he cannot for the life of him decipher his own feelings.

Donghae: The nutty personals writer who, it turns out, lives in the same apartment block as Eunhyuk and Shindong. He always takes the train (and falls asleep on, so therefore he is perpetually late) or rides a bicycle to work, seeing as he is also the secret reporter (initials E.T.) that reports on the environment. Breaks almost anything he touches, except for Eunhyuk’s stuff (reasons unknown). Is told by Zhoumi that he has an interesting aura.

Siwon: Is first noticed by Heechul to be reading a bible. He attends a rivaling university and is an undercover model for a big agency run by his parents. He agrees to be Hankyung’s first model for “Super” and is also offered a job as the “International News” writer. He deals directly with Kibum, who he feels a strong connection to, even if the other is technically on the other side of the world.

Ryeowook: An intern who has a real interest in music and ends up working with Yesung. On one of their escapades to interview people, Ryeowook ends up singing for a producer (who is secretly Siwon’s dad) and is signed. He ends up cooking Shindong’s scarily good creations and cleans up after everyone (especially Yesung, who he also gets coffee for when asked).

Kibum: This reporter is always abroad and therefore is never present. The first time any of the interns meet him is the day Siwon is given his job. Even though he and Siwon only meet for a short time, the two become very close. Kibum likes to read things and randomly speaks other languages in every conversation (usually driving Heechul mad). He reports directly to Siwon and ONLY Siwon, but he states that he always sends a transcript to Eeteuk (who surprisingly never gets it) and relies heavily on Siwon’s amazing listening skills to serve his purpose.

Kyuhyun: the youngest member of the permanent staff as he is in his last year of high school. He's the game reviewer but is also seen to write some of the advice column (before it is taken over by Ryeowook), especially in love related issues. He was involved in a car accident a few years back and therefore always takes the train to school and then work. He is Eeteuk’s baby and is constantly coddled throughout the day until he complains of needing to breathe or does something decidedly evil to the other staff. He is close to Zhoumi but only thinks of the older man as a friend, but he has a hazy relationship with the pink wearing Sungmin who he seems to remember from somewhere…

Henry: Is the youngest member overall and works as the copy boy, being forced to get everyone (except Yesung who has Wookie) random amounts of coffee and weird times during the day (or night). He is in the year below Kyuhyun at school and idolizes the boy for having such an awesome job. Kyuhyun signs Henry up for the summer internship and through Kyuhyun, Henry meets Zhoumi who ends up taking Henry under his wing. He is good friends with Ryeowook and Sungmin, and like Kyuhyun, is coddled by Eeteuk every chance the older male gets.

Please enjoy!

train man, eunhae, kangteuk, hanchul, sibum, zhoury, kyumin

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