Sungmin's New Pet

Jul 29, 2009 14:38

A/n: I thought this up while looking at my parrot in it's bird cage.

Sungmin's New Pet

Before bed Kyuhyun would sing softly to Sungmin, especially on nights when there were storms or after Sungmin had made a call to his family. Sometimes on those nights, the pair would end up in one or the others bed. Neither cared though; they were just that close. However, while Kyuhyun had been away in China, Sungmin had no one to calm him down when he felt emotions that overpowered him. When Kyuhyun came home, Sungmin assumed it would go back the way it was before. No lullabies were sung those nights. Finally it became too much and a week after the Super Junior M members arrived home, Sungmin had made his mind as to what he would do.

The members were shocked when Sungmin blatantly told them that he was getting a pet. Eeteuk gasped; Kangin swallowed his beer wrong; Donghae smiled and bounced up and down like a happy child; Kyuhyun resigned himself to clearing a space for the rabbit hutch; Heechul warned him not to get something that Heebum would either eat or be frightened of; Siwon asked if it would be loyal; Shindong asked if he could eat it; Eunhyuk exclaimed that it had better not be a monkey, or else; Ryeowook asked if it would be fluffy; Yesung asked if it would be slimy; Hankyung asked if it would be Chinese; Zhoumi and Henry phoned to say congratulations; and Kibum wasn't there.

That night, Kyuhyun didn't sing any lullabies to Sungmin. Possibly because he was so exhausted himself, but Sungmin still felt something had been lost in translation between the time before China and then.

A week later, everyone expected Sungmin to come home from the pet store cuddling a small fluffy bunny or kitten (except for Yesung who'd specifically asked for a companion for Ddangkoma; and Donghae who'd requested fishies).
However, they all sat in silence watching Sungmin holding a petite birdcage with a ye olde English style charm to it.
It held only one bird.
A tiny, brown nightingale.

"We should name it something!" suggested Donghae enthusiastically. The other males were less enthused.
"How about... birdy?" said Yesung, lamely.
"How about Drunstick?" said Shindong. Sungmin immediately hid the bird from view.
"ET!" yelled Donghae loudly.
"How about... Angel?" said Kangin. Leeteuk pouted and mumbled something about him being the only Angel in South Korea.
"It's a nightingale, right?" asked Hankyung, cautiously. Sungmin nodded slowly.
"Then how about calling it Nightie!?" Heechul said, exasperated.
"I don't think we want to name the bird after women's sleepwear, hyung," Kibum stated from the couch, where he sat quietly reading a book.
The members gaped at the man before turning to each other. One thought crossing all of the minds simultaneously: When the hell did he get here!? Except, once again, for Donghae, who merely thought: How the hell does he do it? Is he a ninja!? An alien!? A NINJA ALIEN!?

The members ignored Donghae when his inside rant became an outside rant. Kibum cleared his throat to continue.
"How about Gale?"
The other nodded in agreement, but Sungmin shook his head.
"It will make its own name for itself." and he quickly turned on his heel to take the small bird in its small cage into his small room that he shared with the not-so-small Kyuhyun so it could adjust it's small head around it.
"How can a bird name itself, idiot!?" Heechul screamed after him.
No one knew.

Kyuhyun liked having the bird in his room. He would wake up to it's soft music, he would fall asleep listening to it's lullaby, and Sungmin looked happier. Personally, he'd have chosen a bunny rabbit or kitten for the pink obsessed male, but Sungmin was completely sure that this bird was the best possible pet for him.
At least it wasn't as boring as Yesung's pet.
One night, Kyuhyun watched as Sungmin sat in the moonlight, the bird asleep in his hands. He heard soft words being spoken to the bird, but he couldn't make them out clearly.
Before placing the bird back in the cage, Kyuhyun made out the final word; "Saranghae"

"Hyung, why did you get a bird?" Kyuhyun asked one night, plopping his aching body onto the bed. Sungmin watched him from under his own covers.
"On impulse..." answer Sungmin quickly. Kyuhyun let out a noise of disbelief.
"You told us a week before you got the bird that you wanted to get a pet, so don't lie..."
"You'll laugh at me... or think I'm weird..." Sungmin mumbled, his back now towards Kyu and his head under the blankets. Kyuhyun got up off his own bed and walked towards the uncooperative boy.
"I'd never do that to you, hyung. Tell me~"

Sungmin rolled over, his eyes wide and scared as they faced Kyuhyun. He'd just sung the first thing to him since he'd come home nearly a month before. Kyuhyun was taken aback by the fear in his hyung's eyes.
"Hyung, what's wrong!?"
"It's nothing..."
"It doesn't look like nothing! Tears a forming in your eyes Minnie!"
Sure enough, as soon as Sungmin reacted to his words, he felt the cool liquid overflow from the pool of wetness in his eyes.
"I... I missed you Kyu... while you were in China..."

Kyuhyun looked confused at his hyung's tear filled confession.
"But I'm here now hyung..."
"Not like you used to be!" Sungmin snapped, his eyes looking everywhere but at Kyuhyun.
"What do you mean?" Kyuhyun found himself snapping back.
"That bird is my replacement for you..." Sungmin said as he sat upright, hugging his knees to his chest and looking towards the wall.
"You replaced me... with a bird!?" Kyuhyun was beyond angry. How had he deserved to be replaced by an animal by his favourite hyung.
"Yes..." said Sungmin slowly.
"Is that all I am to you? A pretty voice?" Kyuhyun was exploding. All of the doubt he felt in China flowing back to him. He hoped that Sungmin would wait for him. He hoped that Sungmin wouldn't leave him. He hoped that he could never be replaced in his hyung's heart. He'd hoped that Sungmin wouldn't cry.
"No... it's just... you never sing to me anymore... you sing songs with me and the others, but you don't sing to me like you used to... so I got a replacement, my pretty little nightingale!" Kyuhyun couldn't tell if Sungmin was just angry or in hysterics.
"I love it when you sing me lullabyes Kyu; it makes me feel special. It makes me feel loved..." Sungmin bit his lip to stop the words he knew he'd inevitably say if he kept going. I love you!
Kyuhyun smirked. His anger had ebbed away finally, the last wave of strong emotion retreating by Sungmin's not-quite-a-love-confession.
"I'm sorry hyung..."

Sungmin looked at him scared. Was it rejection in Kyuhyun's eyes that shone back at him. No. It was... something much warmer... and deeper...
"I love you hyung... no, I'm in love with you hyung, and I'm sorry I ever stopped singing for you..." he bearly had time to catch him breath when Sungmin had latched onto him, pulling into his bed.
"Just hold me and I'll call it even!" he protested. Kyuhyun almost burst out laughing.
"Okay, but if I'm in here singing, the bird goes in the hall!" Kyuhyun retaliated.
"You're so jealous of that bird!" Sungmin laughed and poked his nose. Kyuhyun merely acted chuildish and turned away.
"It can go out in the hall at nighttime..." Sungmin sighed. Kyuhyun smiled. The smile quickly turned into an evil smirk.
"But what about if you're getting a bit... vocal?" his eyebrows wiggled suggestively. Sungmin slapped his arm, turning more pink than his pajamas.
"Fine... Kyumin can go out in the hall then too..."
"You named it Kyumin?!" Kyuhyun thought the bird didn't have a name. At least, he did when Sungmin said that the bird would make a name for itself.
"Just like you Kyu, it did make a name for itself. It's named after something it created... you and me..." Sungmin snuggled into Kyuhyun's chest, smiling. Kyuhyun closed his eyes.

"Want me to sing you to sleep, since Kyumin is out for the night?" Kyuhyun nodded his head towards the sleeping figure of the bird. Sungmin nodded his head against Kyuhyun's chest, vigorously.
"Okay then...
Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Kyuhyun's gonna buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Kyuhyun's gonna buy you an angel's wing.
And if that angel's wing turns to brass,
Kyuhyun's's gonna steal Heechul's looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Kyuhyun's gonna blame Yesung's turtle's float.
And if Heechul claims that lie is bull,
Kyuhyun's gonna grab you and relocated to Istanbul
And if we're found in Constantinople,
Kyuhyun's gonna drag you into the chapel.
And if that day you agree to it
Kyuhyun's gonna marry you and call it quits
Because even if the world falls down,
You'll still be my sweetest little baby in town."

"You are such an idiot, Cho Kyuhyun"
"An idiot for love?"
"I believe the phrase is a fool for love."
"Oh... well at least I'm your idiot."

The next time Kyuhyun was in China, Kyumin was moved permanently back into Sungmin's room. At least until Kyuhyun came home and made the bird stay outside almost all the time.
Kyuhyun was right. Sungmin was vocal...

sungmin's new pet, kyumin

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