Noona Neomu Yeppeoyo! Chapter 3

Apr 10, 2010 20:54

Title: Noona Neomu Yeppeoyo!
Chapter: 3 - Don't Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was (A FREAK) Like Me?
Warning: Sungmin will be referred to as both "he" and "she". Sorry if it gets confusing. Also, mentions of masturbation!
Sungmin stared out of the window of the taxi he sat in, vaguely recognizing the buildings floating past as ones that paved the way towards the dorms. 'She' had been in rehab for one month, that was how good the doctors had stitched the body up. All of 'her' organs were working properly (as illustrated by the first scare of "Oh my god I have internal bleeding that is seeping down my thighs!" which was actually called "menstruation") and she was now on her way to see the members in the dorms. They'd visited often, trying to help him settle into his new life, embrace his new identity. They'd only visited sporadically though, as album promotions were tiring. Although, never once had a certain Cho Kyuhyun visited.
This fact alone, made Sungmin feel angry.
"Is this where you're headed, Miss?" the cab driver smiled. Sungmin smiled back and nodded. Handing over a few hundred won, she stepped out of the taxi, with her bags and walked, confidently, towards her home.

"What do you mean Sungmin is coming home today!?" Leeteuk screeched to Eunhyuk who shrugged.
"What I said, didn't he tell you? He said he wants to come back home today."
Before Leeteuk could push Hyukjae's monkey-like head into his bowl of Lucky Charms, the doorbell rang.
"Well shit..."

Kyuhyun, being the unusually loving and kind magnae he wasn't, answered the door.
"... Minnie-hyung!?" he nearly choked on a glass of orange juice he had taken a sip of, prefering to, rather than choking to death, spray it all over Sungmin instead.
"...Charming, Kyu... that was a very... welcoming welcomg home, I guess," Sungmin smiled. In that month his hair had grown even longer, now bearly hitting the tops of his shoulder blades in slightly curled strands of brunette hair.
Kyuhyun gulped, then he noticed the bags.
"You're coming home?"
"Yes, Kyuhyun, I do believe that is what I told Hyukjae a week ago. So nice of you to visit me, by the way," Sungmin glared, getting thoroughly bored with Kyuhyun's utter lack of love for him and pushed past him into the dorm.
"Grab my bags, Hyunnie!" she called back.

Upon entering the kitchen, she was surprised to have thirteen pairs of eyes looking at her.
"Welcome home... Min..." Leeteuk said gingerly, glaring across the table at Eunhyuk like he was about to bite the latters head off.
"Nice to be back hyung... I guess I mean, oppa..." Sungmin sighed. The other members looked around strangely.
"What is it?"
"It's just that..." Yesung began before being silenced by Kangin's death stare of doom.
"It's just that, well you're a woman." Siwon stated plainly. Sungmin nodded.
"Yes, and...?"
"Well, we are men."
"Good work Siwon, you have passed Human Anatomy 101! Pass Go and collect $100! I don't see what this has to do with me being here?"
"I don't see what this has to do with Monopoly-"
"Sungmin, it's just that... well... if any of us get drunk or something happens, we might... try to take advantage of you... we... we love you but we don't want to be put in a position where we might potentially hurt you," Leeteuk tried to smile.
Sungmin felt her emotions get the better of her.
"Are you saying... that... you don't want me anymore?" she sniffled. Leeteuk looked, panicstricken, at Ryeowook, who nodded and went to stand beside Sungmin.
"Not at all Minnie-hyu.. Noona... but we really don't want to hurt you..."
"But... I don't know where else I'd go!"
"We're sorry!"
"What can we do?"
"Do you want chocolate?"
"Tampons-OW~! Teukie, what was that for!?"
"A book?"
"Geez... why doesn't she just swap rooms with Eunhyuk?" Yesung mumbled. The room came to a halt.
"Yesung... did you just have a good idea?" Leeteuk asked carefully. Yesung shrugged before going back to whatever he'd be doing (most likely drinking his abnormally black coffee).
"Why don't we do that?"
"But why my room?"
"Don't argue Hyukjae! It's the least you could do since you only informed us of her arrival five minutes ago!"
The crying Sungmin almost felt like laughing at her hyungs (They are oppas now Min) and dongsaengs fighting, but instead she felt great remorse.
"I mean, I don't want to put anyone out. I'll just room with Kyuhyun until the promotions are over... then... we'll figure something out..." he whispered. Kyuhyun was safe. Not gay, but safe.
Kyuhyun could hold his liquor, meaning he bearly ever got totally drunk enough to hurt anyone, he played his computer games, meaning he wouldn't really pay attention to Sungmin changing or anything and Kyuhyun didn't even like him enough anyway.
"I guess thats an okay idea. Is it okay with you Kyuhyun?"
In the far corner of the room, Kyuhyun gulped without anyone noticing it. As Sungmin has walked into the room, his eyes had been draw to the way his (her) hips swivelled, his butt shook, his thighs, his hair, his chest...
"Earth to Kyuhyun! You won't try anything on Min-noona right? I mean, she will still be your roommate afterall," Siwon asked, trying to get Kyuhyun's attention away from the wall.
Without thinking he's said "Yes".
'This could prove to be either the best or the worst idea of my life...'
Sungmin smiled sweetly at him and he gulped again. 'Leaning more to the worst every second... Aish... not now!''
"Okay, well, I'll help Sungmin settle in her room and you guys can figure out where we're going for lunch!"
"We're going out?"
"No duh! To celebrate Min's homecoming of course!"
Kyuhyun missed the last tid-bit because he made a bee-line for the bathroom.
"Someone please tell Kyuhyun what's going on, he's probably gone to play starcraft again... come on Min! Let's go!"
Kyuhyun sat on the toilet, trying hard not to think about his (vivacious, sexy, gorgeous) roommate.
How could he sleep within such a close proximity without having such thoughts. Wanting to touch her... to have her writhing underneath him...
That was his hyung. His hyung who was playful, and loved pink and wanted a family someday with a beautiful woman.
But what if he became the beautiful woman...
Kyuhyun groaned, holding a certain part of his anatomy and stroking it lightly.

"So, Sungmin, you're okay with sharing a room with Kyuhyun? I mean, you are definitely sure. We don't want you to feel pressured into-"
"Teukie, I'm still the same old Sungmin, just with a few bits added and a certain big thing subtracted. You don't have to treat me like I'll break. And yeah, I'm sure about Kyuhyun. He doesn't even like me anyway, always playing his starcraft. He didn't even come to visit me! And besides, if he did try anything out on me, I know martial arts and if he kissed me, it would be like kissing his hyung, which technically it is, and should revolt him entirely. He wants children one day, you know!"
Leeteuk nodded.
"Well, here's you room. I'll leave you to get settled. Have a rest, Min, and come down for lunch, okay? I worry about you."
"I know you do Teukie..."
'And I worry about Kyuhyun... because Min... you really don't realise... you're a woman now... a woman who can have the kids that the others want...'
A/n: This feels short... oh well... it's all you're getting for the moment!

noona neomu yeppeoyo, kyumin

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