Baby+Me=? (2/3)

Apr 10, 2010 17:48

Title: Baby+Me=?
Author: hachi08
Pairing: eventual!Kyumin, KangTeuk, YeWook, HanMi, past!MinSica
Genre: Fluff, comedy, genderswitch!AU.
Rating: G
Warning:  Possible SNSDJessica!bashing, but I do actually find her okay (I just needed a girl to be Heechul’s mummy is all and thought who better than the other half of Heesica!?)

Summary: Sungmin stared at his friends, so happy together with their newborn son, and then turned to look at his daughter, the one he was meant to raise alone. That was until he met the kindergarten staff…

A/n: I have been attacked the for the past week by my good friend princess_jaded and... this is the result of all the hasselling!
* * *
"Donghae, no running inside!" Zhoumi screamed, leaping clumsily over bits of furniture to wrangle the hyperactive little boy. Leeteuk smiled from where she had just entered with Ryeowook and the twins before going over to where Hangeng was busily tidying the room.
"Sorry we're a bit early, Geng, but I thought the boys might want time to adjust..." Leeteuk smiled, giving her hand to the man. The shook and Hangeng lazily placed the boom beside the wall.
"So, this must be Kibum and Siwon, right? And you are...?" Hangeng was a master with faces and names, but the small woman who stood beside Leeteuk with a baby in her arms was someone he'd never met before.
"Oh!" she squeaked, cutely. "My name is Ryeowook... I'm Leeteuk's friend. Just coming with her to drop them off..." she blushed. Hangeng inclined his head towards her, smiling. Zhoumi approached the group with what appeared to be a sack of potatos.

"Oh, I had such trouble grabbing this little guy so I thought I should try literally catching him. Just to tell you, it worked!" Zhoumi put the bag on the floor and lifted it off to reveal and giggling Donghae. Ryeowook looked slightly panicked, but Leeteuk just started laughing at Zhoumi's triumphant display and bright smile.
"Good work, soldier!"
"Ah, nice to see you again Miss Leeteuk! One of your friends was in here only last night..."
"Ah, so Sungmin did come in!"
"Yes, he did. His daughter is so pretty~! Anyways, he listed you as an emergency contact..." Zhoumi's voice trailed off as he tried to remember the papers.
"Yes, yes. That's fine. He doesn't have a wife you see..."
"We understand. Also... you wouldn't happen to know where he buys his jeans from because they were mighty fine."
Leeteuk giggled. "I think those were op-shop buys. Maybe you should ask him yourself, he's here now."
Sure enough, the silver convertible was back.

"Heechul, don't run. Daddy isn't that fit, remember!" Sungmin tried to run after his daughter who'd made a bee-line for the front door of the kindergarten. The little girl, dressed from head to toe in bright pink, turned around the poked her tongue out at her father.
"Catch up slow-poke!"
I am never letting her watch Pokemon again...
"Hello there Chullie... oh, you don't mind me calling you Chullie, do you?" The bright and happy man, Zhoumi had opened the door and scooped the girl up into his arms. The girl giggled affectionately.
"I don't mind, Mr. Giant!"
Zhoumi paused for a moment. "I've never had that nickname before... but I like it! Goodmorning, Sungmin!"
Sungmin nodded at the beaming man before they both walked into the establishment.
"Auntie Wookie! Auntie Teukie! Where's WonWon and Bummie!?" Heechul immediately caught sight of her two favourite women and squirmed to be let down from Zhoumi's grip.
"Normally, she would just jump, but I think she knows that you are too tall," Sungmin mumbled. Zhoumi laughed good naturedly.
"Hello Mr. Lee," Hangeng smiled. Sungmin felt himself smile back.
"Hello Hangeng. Please, just Sungmin. If anything, I should be formal with you since you must be saints to look after my daughter."
"Min!" Leeteuk lightly whacked the man on the arm. For good measure, she also looked over her shoulder to where the kids were playing, Siwon sitting cross-legged on the floor, listening to Heechul blather on about something, Donghae cuddling a plush toy fish and Kibum sitting on a bean-bag reading. Sungmin caught her look.
"Just to make sure...?" his eyes became mischievous. Leeteuk shrugged.
"Just praying that my boys weren't ravishing your baby girl," she said, smirking. Sungmin gasped.
Since Sungmin was the only one of them with a girl, they'd often mock him about the day when Siwon and Kibum asked her out for a date. Sungmin did not want to think about that for another... fifteen years or so...
"Does anyone know where I put the - Oh, hi there!" Kyuhyun smiled and waved to the ladies, not noticing Sungmin at all as he charged through the room and straight into the kitchen. They all waved back, but he was already gone.
So different from yesterday...?
Then he was suddenly back and he noticed Sungmin and his face... changed.
"Hello there Mr. Lee," his face seemed to be in pain as he recited formal words and then raced back into the back room.
"... Does Kyuhyun have a personality disorder?" Sungmin asked Zhoumi, who sniggered.
"What's funny Mi?" Hangeng asked, as his lover doubled over in fits.
"Sungmin here was wondering if Kyuhyun has a mental condition," he spluttered out, pausing and stuttering on occasion to be able to breathe. Hangeng's lips pulled up at the ends.
"I heard that Zhoumi!" Kyuhyun yelled from the back room. Sungmin face palmed.
"He's not usually like that," Hangeng explained. "For some strange reason, he's only been really like this since... well... since we met you."
"I think we need to be going now anyway," Leeteuk intervened. Ryeowook looked like she was trying her best not to start laughing with Zhoumi, who was still panting heavily from his laughing escapade.
"Yes," Sungmin sighed. He wondered lightly why he was so affected by Kyuhyun's reactions, and why Kyuhyun was so hateful of him in the first place. He was used to people hating him, lawyers always are, but he couldn't put his finger on what Kyuhyun's specifically made him feel.
"Oh, well, I guess we'll be seeing you at three o'clock then!" Zhoumi smiled as the three left the building.
"You, my place, now." Leeteuk said, hoping into her own car with Ryeowook riding shotgun and baby Henry securely in the back. Sungmin hung his head, resigned.

"What was between you and that Kyuhyun guy?" Leeteuk asked, immediately after they entered the doors. Kangin and Yesung were having a quiet coffee until the women folk got home.
"Who with what Kyuhyun fellow?" Yesung's ears pricked up. Sungmin groaned.
"I thought you guys worked today?"
"Nah, got the day off. So what's this about someone and a bloke called Kyuhyun?"
"Seems like Sungmin has a 'hate-at-first-sight' with one of the men at the kindergarten, Ryeowook smiled evilly. Kangin sniggered.
"So, he's a lawyer, everyone hates him."
"Thanks Kangin."
"Don't mention it."
"No, seriously, Kyuhyun was really nice until he noticed Sungmin and then suddenly he shut up, like a shell and then left. It was really, for lack of better word, weird."
"So, Yesung's weird, but you don't see us broadcasting it to the world?"
"A different kind of weird, Kangin. This guy seemed... almost too affected by Sungmin being there. Kind of like... I don't know... What do boys do to girls they like?"
"If they are Siwon they offer to play with them, or Kibummie gives flowers," Kangin answered automatically. Leeteuk sighed.
"No, in general, what do boys do to girls they like."
"Hurt them?" Yesung said, stupidly.
"Yes!" Leeteuk clapped her hands together.
"So wait, you think this Kyuhyun guy has a gay crush on our Min?"
"Hello, can you not talk about me like I'm not here?" Sungmin had settled himself down at the kitchen table with two new mugs of coffee for himself and Leeteuk and a glass of water for Ryeowook.
"Sorry, Min!" they chorused before once again launching into conversation.
"It wouldn't be the first time..."
"But... why would he...?"
"To get attention?"
"HELLO!" Sungmin yelled.
"Inside voices..." Leeteuk mumbled out of habit.
"No, I do not believe that this Kyuhyun fellow is gay, neither do I believe he has a 'gay crush' on me. Furthermore, I am actually in the room, so if you would like to continue discussing this, I will gladly leave?"
"Sorry... don't go."
"Nevermind, I've got some stuff to do anyways. I'm outta here!" Sungmin grabbed his jacket which had been set down on the chair and left his half-drunk coffee as he walked out the door angrily.
"I think we struck a nerve..." Yesung piped up. Ryeowook glared at her husband.
"But I seriously think that guy might have a thing for Min..." Leeteuk glanced nervously towards the door. Kangin sensed her unease.
"Levae him be... He'll figure this out..."
"You mean.. figure out he's actually gay?"
"... He's gay?" Ryeowook said, bewildered. Yesung, Leeteuk and Kangin rounded on her.
"You didn't know?"
"How could you not!?"
"Wookie, no straight man should be able to name all shades of pink!"
"I just assumed since he always dated girls and... I mean, he has a daughter..."
"Just because he has a kid doesn;t mean he prefers women, it just means he got one pregnant. We believe he is, but I don't think he's worked it out yet."
"Kangin and I realised it during our first year together at school," Yesung shook his head.
Ryeowook smiled. "And you stood by him even though he was different. I'm proud of you!"
"It also explains his strange affinity with women... and his gift at getting me some..." Kangin mumbled. Leeteuk glared.
"What was that dear?"
"Nothing love."
"Better not have been," Leeteuk smiled pleasantly, but underneath the calm exterior, Kangin could feel his wife glaring.
"Let's just see how this Kyuhyun and Sungmin things goes, shall we?" Ryeowook smiled again, blinding her elder friends with her enthusiasm.
"Maybe... we could... you know... help... a little?" Yesung suggested. Leeteuk and Ryeowook looked at each other and then to Yesung.
"That is a brilliant idea!" they chorused. Beofre Yesung could open his mouth to say anything, his small wife cut him off.
"But you two will not be helping. Myself and Teukie will be guiding this operation!"
"Operation...? Do I dare to ask?"
"Operation CLOSET!" Ryeowook giggled, while the others sighed at the horrible cliche.

It was nap time when Hangeng and Zhoumi finally slowed down for lunch.
"Kyuhyun, look after the little ones, we're off for lunch. Your on!"
"See ya Geng! Bye Mimi!" Kyuhyun called from where he was washing play dough off of his hands before turning around and -
"Excuse me?" a quite voice called from outside the kitchen.
One of the kids can't sleep?
"Yes, little... one... oh..." Kyuhyun can face to face with Heechul, holding a pink blanket with tears in her eyes.
She may be hard, but I'm gonna have to look after her...
"What's wrong Heechul-ah?" Kyuhyun asked, picking up the little girl. She sniffled a bit before he got her comfortable on his lap as he sat down in an arm chair.
"Daddy usually sings to me before I sleep... I miss him... what if he is scared about being without me?" Heechul sniffled. Kyuhyun smirked.
This kid is worried her dad is having withdrawal symptoms?
"How about I sing to you and then you try to sleep?"
"... Okay..." she'd had to think seriously about it. Bu before Kyuhyun could even ask about a song choice, Heechul cut him off.
"Why don't you like my daddy?"
"I said, why are you mad at daddy? Did he give you a bad business deal or something?" Heechul asked, her big, round eyes, pleading at him for an answer. As an after thought she added, "And don;t you tell me you do like him, beacuse that's bull."
Kyuhyun nearly scolded her for bad language, but he stopped himself and held the girl.
"I don't know why I don't like him... I just... I'm not sure... I can't explain it..."
"...Oh... Well then... you can sing now." Heechul settled back into his arms happily. Kyuhyun stared at the girl before clearing his throat and starting to hum a tune which then became..
Heechul started crying again.
"Huh? Heechullie, what's the matter?"
"That... Was... Puff... The... Magic... Dragon... My... Mummy... Used... To... Sing... That... With... My... DADDY!" she bawled loudly. Kyuhyun sighed, awkwardly hugging the girl to his chest.
She's just like any kid... hug her normally, Kyu, damnit!
Suddenly, his body took over and Kyuhyun was soothing her in a way he'd never remembered doing before. His body rocked, naturally and his hand found the back of her head, that was now burried in his shoulder (as he'd stood up and walked around the room), and stroked her hair.
"Heechul, it's okay. Your Daddy will be here soon..."
"... But Mummy..."
"I'm sure she's in a better place, sweetie. In fact, why don't you tell me about your mummy?" Kyuhyun thought this was a bright idea. Heechul immediately stopped crying.
"Well, she had long blonde hair, and she liked to sing, and shared daddy's love for the colour pink and, and, and... she would sing puff the magiv to me when I was a baby!" Heechul remembered brightly. Kyuhyun smirked.
"What else?"
"I don't know much about mummy... daddy says she died a long time ago..."
"That's sad. What was her name?"
"Daddy doesn't tell me, but I can hear him crying for her at night. Her name was Jessica, I think."
"Jessica? Really? That's a pretty name."
"She was very pretty!"
"She must have been so pretty to be your mummy and give you such a pretty name," Kyuhyun smiled, his unease in his stomach building.
Finally singing and getting Heechul to at least lie down in the dark room for the duration of "nap-time", Kyuhyun walked back out into the kitchen and grabbed his cell phone before dialing a familiar number. It answered on the third ring.
"... Hello?"
"... Sis..."

Three o'clock came and Sungmin drove up to the building, walking towards the door and wiping what appeared to be rain from his coat. He'd been texted by Leeteuk saying that Yesung and Ryeowook were still over and asking if he could pick up Siwon and Kibum. Of course, he'd been disappointed with his behaviour to them earlier so he'd accepted, hopefully as a way of apologising. No one had opened the door for him so he'd let himself in and found a mostly horrendous sight.
Kyuhyun, playing with his daughter, who was laughing.
Gee, he must only hate me...
But then his eyes fell onto a familiar looking woman.
"... J-Jessica?"
"... Hello, Sungmin..."

hanmi, yewook, kangteuk, baby+me=?, broken!minsica, kyumin

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