BSA Jamboree 2010 - Day 1 - Travel

Jul 23, 2010 23:04

I knew I had a long flight ahead of me today, farther than I've ever flown my plane. So, I allowed myself to sleep in this morning to make sure I had plenty of rest. I woke up about 8:30AM and finished packing. Jonathan took me to the airport (he is on leave so he came to Oxford to see me and Mom since she is also visiting). I was wheels up about 10:30AM. I landed for fuel in Crossville, TN (Airport identifier: KCSV), had a nice lunch at a Mom-and-Pop restaurant, and heading back toward Virginia. I was impressed with the beauty of the mountains from the air.

I landed at a small airport in Fredricksburg, VA. I had to call a taxi to get to Ft. AP Hill which cost me $50. Luckily, I have already met someone who will give me a ride back to the airport when Jamboree is over. I had to tie down my airplane at the end of a long line of grass parking spaces. I had quite a difficult time pushing my airplane into the parking spot because the dirt was not even and I was pushing the plane practically uphill! The taxi showed up right as a finished unloading and tying down the plane, great timing!

My "home" at Jamboree is a army-style tent with a grass floor (pictured below). Blessedly, there is electricity in the tent so all of us sleeping in it can have fans blowing. Otherwise, it would be nearly unbearable heat. Virginia is not any cooler or less-humid than Mississippi. I brought some Kim-Chi with me for the South Korean contingent and the staff here was kind enough to find me a spot in a refrigerator to keep it good until the Koreans get here. I'm not sure what is in store for me tomorrow other thank tracking down John Peter Ford to give him the stuff his brother gave to me for him. For now I'm going to sleep and hoping there is good food for breakfast in the morning.

bsa jamboree 2010, vacation

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